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The mystic ban. Needs rockets attention!

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Hey guys!

Since a week back i've been banned from the server NY25. And this still remains unsolved, trying to get an answer from dayz devteam. Mailed them about 3 times, sent a PM to tonic (since rocket have disabled it)

Made 3 forum post about it. Still no response.

I've been talking to the server admins, probably all of them, and none has a solution.

(8th June) I joined the DayZ (NY25) server as usual, in a matter of seconds I was kicked from the server and received a message that stated I've been banned.

I've been in contact with some NwO admins (admins of NY25) and they don't seem to be able to address this issue.

"couldnt even find you on the DB for both our servers, so it is all a HostAlt thing"

The company hosting the server is named Host Altitude.

**I've also been in contact with the hosting company and could no nothing.**

"ME: Does the servers collect and save all guids for everyone joining the server?

Helper: yes

ME: Since i've played before, it should be saved?

Helper: It is not there

Helper: that is the wierd part

Helper: its like you have never joined the server ever"

I can join other dayz server just fine, I can find my GUID very easy when ingame. But as soon i try to join NwO's servers I receives the message saying "You were banned."

Some info on my profile

Name: KoS | cpstörd

PlayerID: 11773318

GUID: 813d92e96fb53db26e08b31fc40d5328

Kind regards,


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Ofc rocket have to go offline just the minute I made this thread. :):)

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Not sure how the hacker secure system works, but it sound's wierd.

But if such is the case then it might be true, but then he shouldnt be able to join any other servers that are secured afaik.

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Look, if it's just NY25, then it's a local ban on that server and it has NOTHING to do with rocket, or any other dev team member.

This is not a DayZ-related bug, Your IP/GUID will be inside the bans.txt on NY25.

If the admin's cant see/find it, then you need to get in contact with Host Altitude.

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Look' date=' if it's just NY25, then it's a local ban on that server and it has NOTHING to do with rocket, or any other dev team member.

This is not a DayZ-related bug, Your IP/GUID will be inside the bans.txt on NY25.

If the admin's cant see/find it, then you need to get in contact with Host Altitude.


I've been in contact with Host altitude, and they cant do anything. They sent me here. But since it's impossible to get dayz devstaff attention i wont get any help.

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The reason your not getting any help from the Dayz team is because this ban is related to a Specific server.

They cant help with that. Only the server admin / hosting company can.

Sorry mate, I know your going round in circles but keep at it and hopefully everything will be sorted. Go on another server in the mean time. What is stopping you doing that?

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Well since all of my mates are playing on ny25, and I kinda want to play on ny25 aswell is the reason why im struggling with this.

And I also want to get a reply from the dev's and not just the server admins.

And since, what i thought, the devteam controls all the server?

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The DayZ server administrators don't control all the servers. The majority of the servers are administered by the server hosts, with little if any interaction from the DayZ team. What we do is coordinate the servers and maintain the central database.

As it appears to be a local ban, the DayZ team cannot do anything about it, unless you can prove that this ban was created by an abusive admin. If that's the case, we'll need some very solid evidence to the effect.

To reitereate, the DayZ team does not have any control over local bans on the servers. You'll have to contact the server host of NY25 to resolve your issue.

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The DayZ server administrators don't control all the servers. The majority of the servers are administered by the server hosts' date=' with little if any interaction from the DayZ team. What we do is coordinate the servers and maintain the central database.

As it appears to be a local ban, the DayZ team cannot do anything about it, unless you can prove that this ban was created by an abusive admin. If that's the case, we'll need some very solid evidence to the effect.

To reitereate, the DayZ team does not have any control over local bans on the servers. You'll have to contact the server host of NY25 to resolve your issue.


I'm not sure if you have read the thread at all.

I've been in contact with with everyone that deal with the server.

Everyone says "I cant find any record of this guid on our banlist." etc

I've been in contact with Hosting Altitude and they said

"You will need to contact the DayZ Dev Team at [email protected] . We don't have control over anyones bans."

I've emailed like 3 times, not a single answer.

Since this is some kind of a mystery ban, I would like some investigation from the devteam, but what it seems its impossible since neither any staff reads this thread, or ignores it.

Users only claims "contact server admins"

Hope you understand now that this isnt a problem that the server admins can't fix since I dont exists on their server.

And even if im now is banned by all the admins and just lying to me, how would I prove it? All I can lend is a printscreen saying "You were banned."

And to who will I send it? It's impossible to contact rocket, or anyone else in the staff.

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I've read the entire thread, yes. I'm also on the DayZ server team.

There are three types of bans.

Global (BattleEye). We cannot do anything about these, as they are administered by BattleEye, not DayZ.

Database (DayZ). These bans are administered by us.

Local (Server Hosters). These bans are administered by the server hosters, not the DayZ team.

As you're able to login to other servers, it's neither a global ban or a database level ban. It's a local ban. As such, we cannot help you as we don't administer the individual servers. I cannot help you. Rocket cannot help you. The only one who can help you is the server hoster.

If the server hoster needs help to troubleshoot this, they should turn to the server hoster community. They should be able to help out. The DayZ team, however, cannot as we have no control over local bans.



DayZ Server Team

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I know it is a local ban, the problem is that the ban doesnt exist. They can't unban me.

This is what I want investigated, how this is even possible.

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I'd love to help you out, but I can't.

This is something the server host will have to investigate. The DayZ team cannot investigate this as we don't have any control over the local server.

You need to talk to the server host, or choose another server to play on.

Edit: To clarify, if there is a problem with the server, the server host will need to look into it. We cannot do it. If it's a bug, it most likely resides within the ARMA2 server code. We don't control the ARMA2 server code, and cannot help you with that.



DayZ Server Team

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Do you have a fixed IP? Maybe this is banned instead of your GUID/PlayerID. So of course they cannot find you.

Just ask them to please check what kind of bans are really possible.

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Just talked to a server admin again.

First we tried connecting to another server, didnt work. Then he temporarly disabled the banlist (making all previously banned users able to connect).

With it cleared and the server properly restarting, it still states me as being banned ("You were banned.")

I've now sent a email to battleeyes support if they might help.

If anyone got more clues or suggestions to do, please post them here.



Edit: I have also tried connecting with a proxy/VPN, didnt work.

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damn this thread has been around it seems like forever has any mod bothered to bring this to the attention of a admin ?

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