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Private Hive looking for more players!

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- Already 3 clans on the server, along with several random players doing their own thing.

- General store near kamenka + komoravo, also a place called UpRiisE's playground north of Komoravo with everything you would ever need (except a vehicle.... well maybe sometimes that too) Otmel has everything you would ever need aswell.

- 120+ vehicles on the server including up to 10 choppers (unlikely to have all spawned at once obviously)

- Active admins, very solid and quick to remove any and all hackers.

- Side chat enabled, including VON allowed - just dont SPAM!

- Clans are all against one another, rivalries galore (LBX is the best)

- Everyone spawns in with NVGs because night time is enabled and we want to make life slightly easier.

- A forum has been introduced to our server by the owner. fireywater.com

Feel free to sign up and ask questions there.


Bottom line is we enjoy our server, but would love to add a couple more people to it. Currently the numbers of players are around 10-15 on average. Looking for somewhere around the big 30.

If you are interested in joining send me a message and ill let you know what the server name is.

Questions are welcome

Edited by C.duck305
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interesting but the earth is pretty big, where is the server located?

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Hey man im just getting back into dayz now that private hives have really started flourishing and hackers and losing interest. I would really like to play on your server and maybe one day join one of the clans ive always wanted to be in a clan but never got around to it. Well im about to play right now so if you can please message me the server!

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***********************************************OFFICIAL NOTICE********************************************

A change has been made to the server. You now officially start with a crossbow and 5 bolts. Gogo crossbow wars!

Edited by C.duck305

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Yup we definitely have a couple of bandits, but as of right now we are trying to help those who just joined the server. We want everyone to get their footing.

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I'm trying to become a medic on this server, help for the cause is needed!

Edit: After an hour or so I've gotten Griff_22 and Gabe on with me. The hospital in Elektro got blown up for some dick-move reason so now I'm going to have to head for Cherno for medical supplies. As always, send me a PM if you want to join in with me.

Edited by BDeka

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I would like to join your server and this server sounds really good.

Edited by limey

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Sounds like a great idea, I'm totally down for hopping on and making it my home server.

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Spent today adding a new "arena" to the map. Our apologies to those of you who were attempting to get on but I believe you will be pleasantly surprised with the addition. Join our forum, fireywater.com!

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Currently 20-25 consistent players, wanna get up to 35! Lets go people a couple more messages.

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