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Operation: Humanity

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Operation: Humanity


Rescheduling due to a work issue, the Operation will commence at around 1400 CST October 20th

Operation Humanity's objectives

1. Establish dominance in a designated safe zone.

2. Create a supply and hardware depot in the town by gathering resources in it or scavenging from another place.

3. Provide Medical care to survivors and help those in need.

4. Eliminate hostile players such as Bandits

5. To change the shoot on sight outlook majority of the people in DayZ have.

What we need

Barbed Wire

Tank Traps

Bear Traps


Dedication and the ability to take orders

​ Personnel Required



Green zone guards

Transport Drivers/Pilots

Zombie Control

Rules of Engagement (Will explain better in briefing)

1. Bandits are to be shot on sight. (Teammates that get this skin during the Op will be the only exception due to the fact we can verify that it was due to self defense).

2. Unarmed Survivors are not to be engaged unless repeatedly warned to leave.

3. Armed Survivors, if can be safely done, are to be disarmed.

4. Friendly fire will not be tolerated along with unnecessary lethal force to survivors. If you shoot at someone's feet for a joke and he kills you, I don't want to hear you belly ache.


16 Years or Older

Ability to follow orders

General experience in DayZ

Good skills using the Map, Coordinates, Compass, etc. (That will be gone over in briefing aswell.)


Non Murderous outlook on DayZ and the desire to make a difference

The planned date for this will be on October 13th at 14:00. Please PM me your application if you wish to join. Any requests to join posted in this thread will be denied.

Edited by Ratcliff
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- Will this be on a private hive?

- Which map? Lingor, chernarus, etc?

- Location...USA? East/Central/West?

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]CIA[ can offer security detail with medical support in 2 hours with a 6+ man team (dependant on who we have on). If you are interested in our help please contact us on our teamspeak at

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This is extremely ambitious, and I don't see it happening, but I would love to be pleasantly surprised. Good luck.

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I would love to make this possible. I meet all your requirements; send me a pm to get a hold of me, or search for Zeke on steam. (Look for the Punisher logo and Vae Victus)

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This will be on the main hive for Chenarus and server location is pending.

Everyone else telling me to pm them or they'd like to be a part of this, you guys are failing horribly and more than likely will be denied.

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Whilst I meet the requirements and am sympathetic to the cause I would be hesitant to submit a application without first seeing how you gentlemen operate.

Once a server and location is given I may investigate your base, perhaps we may have some commerce? I often find ammo such as ak mags I have no use fore. These you may like to acquire for in exchange for food or more common ammo?

At any rate, I hope you succeed.

Edited by Jubalsquirrelly

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if this is planned to be done on a server connected to the main hive it will not work.

Simple truth is hackers will find out about it and just break it constantly...now if this is done on a private hive sure, though what would be the point then since anything done would just affect that one server.

SOOOOOO yaaaaa

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Would love to join! I've started scavenging things to bring in once this is all up and running, but lost my tent and have to find a new one :(

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I would love to be apart of this just to record the epicness!! But I can also help out.Very skilled with the map/gps.

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i will definitely give you all i have to offer :D i really hate bandits and really want to change dayZ for the better :D but how do we get in contact? is there a teamspeak or skype group?

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I'm sure your intentions are well meaning but your use of the word dominance immediately causes me concern. What does it mean? Am I not going to be free to come and go as I please?

What gives you the right to tell (unarmed) others to leave an area and if they don't to then shoot them? It almost makes me, a passionate pacificst, want to point a gun at you right now! :o

Edited by Sula

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How you will find out if guy bandit/survivor/hero if he will wear ghillie/camo? Are you going to make entrance check point and force everyone change to civilian? Just wondering...

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Howdy, my clan would have been happy to lend some security but I guess its too late now.

However I am curious if you pulled this off and how it went?

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I'll give this a chance and try to help. At least I'll be there for the fireworks/satchel explosions.

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Howdy, my clan would have been happy to lend some security but I guess its too late now.

However I am curious if you pulled this off and how it went?

If you would of read the post as labeled then you would of noticed that it was moved to today

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I am willing to join the Operation as long as its on private hive. I hate hackers ruining these kind of operations, thats why.

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