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great new server very friendly community join them on teamspeak 3 while you play & they will more than welcome you.

The server is restarted every 3 hours to keep it clean and smooth and for once! it works.

If you are unsure just give it a try you will be shocked. I didnt think a 100 man server would run like this.

Ts 3 ip is

Remember when you have had a great game on this server dont forget to add it

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Good server - yet to loose connection or lag out in 3 hours of playing unlike the few others I have been on (I am a noob so maybe I have not played the right servers). Hope it keeps going

Good to speak to you all in your TS server also.

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Great sever, Very smooth!

Lots of freindly players,,

Also being new there is still lots of vehicals to be found!

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could do with a stress test on the server if some people could help.

al wee would like is people to join around 6pm gm time for around 15 mins to see the load on the server when its full thanks for help

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