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im bored and need a partner to join me

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Hi my name is justin and im looking for some one to play with to make thing a bit more fun in dayz.

i am 18 years old and have been playing dayz for 6-7 mounths now. i have very much great gear with plenty to spare with new team mates.i am very experienced with the game and play around 2-3 hours every day at least.

i have dayz commander so i have all maps and enjoy playing all of them so its up to you which you wanna play.

im looking for both ether a short or a long time partner to play with. if looking to be long time friends i would be happy to add you to my clan. im looking for some one at least 13 years old who plays at least 3 out of 7 days a week, whom is at least decently knowledgeable about the map so we can meet up in small amount of time. you must also have a fully working mic and be willing to use skype to talk together with me

if your interested in teaming up with me please message me on the forums or and me on skype :))

skype name: xxdasmoozexx

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I have been playing dayz for 4 months now on my own and I think it´s time to find someone to play with. I´m 15 years old and Im from Holland

I have a camp in dayz with a lot of guns, medical supplies consumables and car parts. I´m not online 3 hours every day (I play on the laptop of my brother, so sometimes I wont be able to go online every day, but if I do, mostly in the evening) but I will be online almost every day. I can't always talk on skype because there are more family members in the room with me...

One question: Are you a "bandit", "ask friendly, if they don't reply then shoot" or are you "too friendly"?

If you're interested please PM

Edited by 77Sam77

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