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Group of experienced looking for more

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We're a group of experienced dayZers looking for more people, looking to add maybe up to 5-10 players to our group. At the moment we are using skype for our VoIP communications, but I'll get us a vent or TS server once we have more people and can weigh out prefernces. We really do what ever our hits us for the particular moment, either banditing, counter-banditing, helping people out, or just screwing with people and rebuilding our chopper when a particular person decides he can "fly".

Please respond with the following-


Location (state or territory):


Time in DayZ:

What do you like to primarly do:

-Inexperienced/illequiped players are absolutely welcome

Edited by Shaok
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Age: 15

Location (state or territory): IL

Skype: devanlasalla

Time in DayZ: 2 weeks, but 3 months of Arma2 and OA

What do you like to primarly do: Im mostly a sniper/rifleman

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Age: 14

Location (state or territory): CT

Skype: lord_slyth

Time in DayZ: A little over a month

What do you like to primarly do: Do oddjobs for the team/ Go on missions or gather suppys etc.

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Age: 19

Location (state or territory): The Netherlands

Skype: PM meh

Time in DayZ: Played for about a month and watching streams regulary lol.

What do you like to primarly do: Sniping, scouting, gathering supplies and generally what the team needs at that moment.

Edited by Rigid

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Age: 14

Location (state or territory): Netherlands

Skype: indi99

Time in DayZ: 3 months

What do you like to primarly do: sniping/rifleman, what the team needs

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Age: 19

Location (state or territory): Ohio

Skype: stevenb932012

Time in DayZ: 5 months

What do you like to primarly do: I like to get in close, in the urban areas and loot or kill others. I outsmart most guys i face in buildings or just wait them out. I also will scout ahead and such.

Also i can fly lol.

Edited by Steven9393

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Age: 24

Location: nj

Skype: nickrz88

Time in dayz: 2 months

What do you like to primarly do: i like to do whatever. Sometimes i kill sometimes i help. Sometimes i try to build a car

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Age: 18

Location (state or territory): Australia

Skype: peter sladden

Time in DayZ: few weeks play times

What do you like to primarly do: snipe snipe and snipe

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Age: 23

Location: MA

Skype: millertime371

Time in Dayz: 1 month

What do you like to do: I try to vary as much as possible. Often snipe, enjoy playing as rifleman and medic as well. I have been playing as a lone wolf for most of the time and would like to get more team and group oriented.

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Age: 16

Location (state or territory): US

Skype: jbagsic2

Time in DayZ: 2 months

What do you like to primarly do: Snipe, fool around, and go into occupied servers to gather good gear.

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Sh*t we're getting a lot of people. Makes me glad we got our own server now. Added you guys on skype!

Sladdberry and Missedsucka, having problems adding you guys on skype, you guys sure you spelled them right?

Edited by Shaok

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Age: 15

Location (state or territory): UK

Skype: hdmatt

Time in DayZ: 100+ hours

What do you like to primarly do: Sniper, scout, Driver/Pilot (Played alot of Arma 2 OA tactical servers)

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Age: 19

Location (state or territory): florida

Skype: Slyguy65

Time in DayZ: Since the mod launched

What do you like to primarly do: Anything

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Age: 20

Location : New York


Time in DayZ: May

What do you like to primarly do: Fuck Shit up?

Played CSS / 1.6 Competitvley at high level for 10 years. I dont fuck up, Miss shots, or mis-call my communication.

Very active, Loyal and well beyond exceeding any requirements you could probably ask for.

hmu on steam : sn0wnyc

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Age: 16

Location (state or territory): Canada, Ontario

Skype: elemein

Time in DayZ: A week. Im part of the "inexperienced" group ;)

What do you like to primarly do: I like scavenging, setting up construction, driving vehicles/picking people up, spotting, medical support; most unconventional things. I am not big on PvP but am no slouch in a fight either.

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Sounds interesting. I'd be willing to have a go with you guys.

Age: 21

Location: California

Skype: rcskeen13

Time in Dayz: 3ish months. Very experienced overall in Dayz Chernarus and Lingor.

What I enjoy doing most? I've had the most fun in Dayz in PvP situations, especially the sort where I'm tracking and stalking targets. I'm a sneaky Pwny.

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Time in Dayz: 1 Month 2 Dayz

What i enjoy doing most: Whatever the team needs me to do im your guy.

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