Zerowacked 3 Posted June 14, 2012 Neither does going to the witch burners and telling them what they're doing is pathetic. Attempt diplomacy. Alternatively, realize that this is an enormous community without any ruling body and thanks to anonymity its members are not subject to reprisal. Noble endeavor, but it's not going to fly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowvfx 3 Posted June 14, 2012 The more people who play this the more willing game makers are going to throw money at it to help develope it. Exactly. Notice how it took the HUGE influx of these new players to prompt BiS to transfer Rocket from dev work on ArmA III to full-time work on Day Z? You can't tell me that would have happened if Day Z still only had ~10k users. To keep Day Z evolving into a bigger, better game, you need the attention and participation from the masses. Scaring them off will only hurt the game YOU love. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatFukinLenny 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Still it sooner die out than be a casual mainstream game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowvfx 3 Posted June 14, 2012 Still it sooner die out than be a casual mainstream game...And what good would that do for you or anybody else? That seems like a very selfish sentiment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rmackner 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Who' date=' exactly, are you defending? And why? [/quote']I want this game to grow and be even more successful. However, I've seen elitist communities kill themselves off way too many times. I'm trying to get the point across to these people to calm down on the hate a bit. Name calling and witch burnings don't exactly lead to successful cooperation and great things.The only way for this game to make success is to become causal (most of us don't want that). Any game that is perma death will have elitist, I think this isn't the game for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FatFukinLenny 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Maybe selfish, but i can buy a mainstream game any day of the week.If it went in that direction it would be just another game on the shelf:rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted June 14, 2012 Holy shit, everybody in this thread is just proving OP's point. You can be a vet without being a prick, you can watch as the new players try to learn to play, or you can ignore them. Those who spend a lot of time in the forum seem to be the only ones complaining about the complainers. You can leave the forum, and go back to Arma if you truly care so much about the game. The people that are truly vets aren't on the forum, they are playing the game. So to the people telling everyone to "get over it," you need to realize that people are going to complain no matter what happens, and even if the world is all fine and dandy for you, it wont be for everyone. You cant expect to stop people from complaining, someone WILL disagree. I expect to get a lot of flak for this, and I know I will. Just stop shooting down everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowvfx 3 Posted June 14, 2012 The only way for this game to make success is to become causal (most of us don't want that). Any game that is perma death will have elitist' date=' I think this isn't the game for you.[/quote']Where in this thread did I ever comment on the gameplay in Day Z? I don't have a problem with it's perma-death system. I find it exhilarating and effective at providing that sense of fear and tension this game wants to convey to the player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
punisher_1 3 Posted June 14, 2012 Lets face it hardcore types, gaming these days is closely nearing levels of the typical 4 year old mentality. However it's not only the gamers its the Devs who produce them . Simple games are that much more easy to make and reap the rewards to make a quick buck. Gaming has been dumbed down and simplyfied for the instant gratification crowd. Lets take a BF3 moment. Joe dumbass jumps into a 55 million dollar aircraft to fly it a quarter of a mile to jump out of it to capture a base. How dumb is that? But no worries the aircraft just spawn in a minute of so and Joe is off again to take yet another base by bailing out. So Joe comes here to DayZ ( free to play ) there are no 55 Million dollar aircraft to wreck, Here little to no vehicles at all and if you are lucky enough to find one you better have the smarts to keep it running. Joe does not know shit about staying alive. A game where every bean and bullet counts Jor can't handel the fucking pressure, he has no satifaction because the game is soooo hard. Joe goes two routes he rage quits or he goes out on the net and picks up the latest hacks and starts to ruin everyone elses fun.I dont want to cater to Joe or his types and every game these days has to be bullet proof to stop the hacking or exploiting. Joe is the spoiled child that is bred into scociety today. He never grew up fishing or hunting, he never really had to work hard or build anything. A rough day for him was having to do a chore or two around the house maybe clean his room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Courier (DayZ) 10 Posted June 14, 2012 For years I've been at amazement how "CoD player" has become the premiere insult in ARMA 2. To me, that title should be attributed to someone who storms an AO in a round of domination expecting to take it out single handed or a confused 14 year old who gripes about "his bullets not going where he's aiming" because he doesn't understand ballistics - unfortunately these examples are never the case.According to a large sum of the ARMA community, a "CoD player" is someone who: team kills, makes silly comments on the side channel, can't perfectly land a helicopter, doesn't revive you when your down, asks you a question, idles, uses a machine gun standing up, and many more. It got out of hand a long time ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kurtino 1 Posted June 14, 2012 I mean honestly, so much of you sound like a bunch of losers thinking their hardcore because you're playing a game and its very easy to kill someone else.No offence too anyone intended or particular but the amount of spiteful hate that is spat towards newer members of the community is really discouraging and down right wrong.Why can't people enjoy a game playing the way they like? There is no right way to play this game but people expressing their distaste and uncomfort with certain features of the game is fair enough.I mean there's this term coming up a lot more than I've seen anywhere else called a "carebear" and honestly, that's suppose to be insultive? Calling out on people who like to enjoy a game and just casually play it? I didn't know so many of you were in the war, I mean...I just read a thread about a guy comparing tips by watching the war on Afghanistan? Really? It's a game.There's nothing hardcore about a player running upto you and mass clicking his mouse too get a kill on you. There's not even any survival involved in this sort of play, it's just like a death match and to be perfectly honest, more of the "hardcore" players sound like Call of Duty deathmatch kids than the people who are just taking the game slowly.One example I've had was this guy was shooting around in the city with his pistol. I stayed alert for him but didn't hunt him out, just kept my distance but was aware of his location. Eventually he finds me and starts following me up some stairs, which I hear out for and he finally comes to me and I'm with no items at all which you can see from just my pistol. He enters the room while I watch the door and immediately shoots his pistol as fast as he can so I return fire...we both end up on the floor bleeding while we keep fainting, he seems determined to try and kill me even on the floor but it's a stalemate. On his dying breath he throws a grenade on himself and kills both of us.After both of us die because of his stupidity, he then goes and dies another 5 times in a row, clearly suiciding too regain a better spawn position. The worst part of this encounter was that he was a Veteran player...I didn't complain about it but this isn't a uncommon sight, this happens a lot and it reflects on the community on a whole.Now I'm not complaining about certain features or anything, I wouldn't have the game any other way but it does sadden me that due to its increased popularity, this mod has become a lot more of a death's undeniable everyone is saying it and you can either call someone a "carebear" or you can realise that it is defiantly happening.It is so much rarer to find someone to team up with, the majority of people killing on can't deny it because it's everywhere, heck I've seen so many youtube video's and the creators themselves have stopped playing the game because it has become more of a death match, these people being the ones who boosted the popularity so much...this is what people came here for and the side effect of the increased popularity is this Kill on Sight attitude everyone has and obviously people are going to be disappointed...they see a really good cooperative time on youtube...they try it for themselves and they realise it's not as thrilling, just getting shot.And for those of you who say it takes a certain amount of "skill" to go around killing people? No it doesn''s based on luck and the type of person that's all really. I saw a guy run out in a field who's only just spawned and a guy sniped him in clear sight without any cover, does it mean the sniper has skill because he has a better weapon and a chance too kill the player? He gains nothing from doing it either and the same can be said about so many start playing like this and the social interaction in the game is diminished and really, after that what's the point? You could be playing Call of Duty or (generic shooter) and get the same results, except for one key difference being your enemy actually has a chance, thus the skill is there. Sure, you have a chance in some situations of this game but there shouldn't be one single way the player has to play the game and no one should have too crawl through a forest because there are snipers everywhere. this video and pretty much any other Day Z video, you'll see people who had enjoyable experiences aren't getting them any longer and they're quitting because of it, it's a damn nothing should be easy as hell but their are so many undesirable people in the game and it shouldn't be praised for, no one should be insulting people because they aren't being an A hole like others are and jumping on the band wagon.TL : DR People are A holes. People shouldn't promote A holery. Same results on different games. Social interaction in the game has reached a all low since increased popularity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mars (DayZ) 6 Posted June 14, 2012 People tend to have a misconception of what Casual, Mainstream and Hardcore mean.Day Z has already gathered a huge amount of player base so you guys better get usedto the idea that your beloved nev0r meinstrim game is already mainstream, having saidthat it does not mean Day Z is casual.I have been called a complainer and a CoD Kiddie just because I voice myopinion in some matters. I dont know who is more 'kiddie' and certainly I dont give a shit,you should not either, just try to enjoy the game and embrace the fact that itsbecoming a huge PvP mindless fuckfest with zombies and try to have fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tummynator 1 Posted June 14, 2012 Repost ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seraosha 3 Posted June 14, 2012 Dont sweat it man, all game forums are cesspools. Just skim for relevant info, laugh at the dumb kids, and play when you have time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UbiquitousBadGuy 846 Posted June 14, 2012 Merged.And in response to Kurtino, it's because insecure, petty people want to feel validated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReploidGodX 0 Posted June 14, 2012 It doesn't even fit everyone that's come new to this mod since it got publicity. I never heard of arma II or BiS even before I got an email from my dad a few weeks back, talking about DayZ. I hate Call of Duty though, I can't stand what they're doing to the gaming industry in general so I refuse to play them. so the people spouting this crap are mostly just upset that their little club got popular I think. It happens all the time, something comes out, under the general radar of the internet cause it's on a game/website/community no one knows about. then someone in the media finds it and starts harping on about it and next thing you know we have a sensation or "flavor of the month" as it were. Problem is, everybody cries, everybody whines, people complain about the complainers, people complain about people complaining about the complainers. it's a vicious cycle that never ends because people always want better things. with the internet and social media the way it is there's a never ending source of ways to listen to people complain. You just gotta take it in stride and do your own thing, hell maybe even side with someone who complains about the same things you do. whatever you do just realize that things happen and there's just too many people in the world for everyone to love it and/or see it the way you do so; they complain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zak757 146 Posted June 14, 2012 Of course we have to be elitest douchebags to likely decent people, our game is eleventy billion percent realistic! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aks 5 Posted June 15, 2012 Please don't take offense:"Why cant i dual wield makarovs in this game?""I should be able to sprint and jump easily while carrying 100 pounds of gear on my back!""Why does it take so long to walk places? This map is too big."'lol i will 360 headshot noscope you all with mah snipah skilz"However, I do realize people have to come from some other game. I have played Arma for a few years but when i started i was inexperienced and had no idea what to do. Dayz is an anti game. Do not expect it to be fun or make many allowances for you from the realism side of things. I am going to have to use an over used phrase: deal with it. For the bf3 and cod players who actually welcome the game's realism I will fully support and help them learn how more about arma 2... That is all. I apologize for using elitest phrases and to those who I have offended. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heathy87 1 Posted June 15, 2012 to call ppl newbs and such is fine from an opinion point of view but for example dayz spurred me into getting arma, normal arma i had played before dayz came along, but with the accessibility of games like bf3, you can hop in play for a couple hours no sweat, when you have a ton of games, like for me i own red orchestra 2 aswell which is arguably equally unforgiving as arma well i never got around to getting into it in its prime days during that time i either didn't have a good enough pc or i was playing wow which is also another game that ppl slag off too much when its only real problem is its life draining ability.basically what im getting at is, all the ppl that label everyone cod newbs and such, you can only do that if you are yourself such a noob because you need to of played the game to know what your talking about which means you are in fact that in which you loathe..i play games for the fun factor, not because its new and shiny although that does enter into the equation lots of ppl see amazing potential in dayz i'm sure whatever ppl suggest at least the decent suggestions try to not include anything that changes the atmosphere that is the basis for the whole survival thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brenelael 1 Posted June 15, 2012 I've been playing Arma since it was called Operation Flashpoint many years ago and haven't missed a new version or DLC in all of those years. I like the Arma series because of it's sandbox nature and the highly realistic game play. I used to play the multiplayer a lot back in the OF days and even a little in the Arma 1 days but stopped a few years back because of all of the elitist epic douchbaggery that this community has fostered in the last few years. What amazes me is that all of these "Vets" that claim they want "epic realism" are actually trying to turn this mod into COD or BF death-match mode on a bigger map that happens to have zeds. It's highly ironic to say the least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BL1P 252 Posted June 15, 2012 No go play cod you meme using child. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haviv[3rdid] 57 Posted June 15, 2012 I welcome all cod kiddies, carebears, pvp'ers, warcraft players, anyone to this game. Hopefully they will be converted to the true faith and never look at the other games in the same way again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cootter 4 Posted June 15, 2012 Maybe this game/mod is BETTER not being all "lucrative"... it only means the CoD/BF3 kiddies will GO THE HELL AWAY!....go back to CoD, you'll have more fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stealth (DayZ) 3 Posted June 15, 2012 I haven't banned anyone actually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Timberwolf (DayZ) 118 Posted June 15, 2012 I'm an elitist asshat so I'm okay with this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites