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Statik (DayZ)

M40A3 a ban-able offence?

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I have some friends who have a few M40A3 snipers from before they took them out. Is it a global ban-able offense to use them? even if they are legit?

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no unless they are hacked in but most server admins will just kick you if they see it but i have on myself and have only been kicked once or twice on my home server wich is highly populated

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M4A03 snipers aren't legit, they were scripted into the game at some point by a hacker. Battleye won't ban you for it, but server admins are allowed to ban you from their server if they catch you with it.

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I'm pretty sure they were never in the game in the first place. Either they hacked it in or found it from some hackers. Just be careful who is around when your friends use it. Admins or other players might think your group are hackers.

Edited by HeidlerVG

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