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Stay safe, Live longer

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When you are looting a town and see someone down the street ahead of you, do you shout friendly, open fire, or stay in the shadows? Some of us make game making or breaking decisions every time we do anything, whether its crossing a field, or looting the NWAF. We can never be sure if there is a crashed chopper over the hill, or a 50. cal bearing down on us. This game is mostly about luck when finding loot, but also knowing where to look, how to avoid zombies, and staying out of a snipers scope. Be sure to always play it safe, even if you think "there is no sniper in those hills", assume there is. Many times i have been killed for simple mistakes, and ive learned some good leasons from them like......

- Never take you gear for granted. Ever. When you do that, you get careless and might end up getting killed.

- Appoach hospitals, markets, and ACT's with caution. You never know if someone is there, or will log in there.

- Loot during the night, Travel during the day, this keeps you out of zombie's (and player's) sights and will allow you to get meat while traveling. (Animals only spawn during the day.)

- Loot, and leave, dont stick around and see if you can get anything better. Its better to get your loot and not risk dieing because you stayed in one place for so long.

- Ghillie suits and NVG's are worth more than all the worlds gold when coupled with midnight rain.

- Check the online players every now and then, make sure your world doesnt start filling with people (20+) if you were playing with 5-6 people.

- Finally, live off the land! Kill animals and cook their meat, collect all those water bottles and fill em up at fountains and ponds. This will cut down on trips to resedential buildings and will allow you to go after the bigger looting spots.(Military, Hospitals)

Hopefully some people will use these tips to survive and be safe, maybe even post some of your own survival tips as well! Be safe everyone. :)

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I haven't followed any of these rules and I stay alive well enough...

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Nice for making this thread, this will probably help a lot of people. I will know be following these tips.

Edited by UKCFS
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