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Will join next time I play, how many players are usually on at one time?

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Depends on the day and time of day. We had times with only 12 people online and occasions where it was hard to get in at all.

Be aware that we kick/ban for using hacked gear, so better don't join if you carry any unlegit item(s) and also don't pick them up on the server. You can find a list of legit items by checking our Server-Forum. Hackers and cheaters are also dealt with swiftly on UK227.

We welcome and fair players on our server and try to give everyone a fair and friendly gaming atmossphere.

Edited by System98

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Anyone who's looking for a great server, well run by trustworthy, impartial admins, regular restarts to keep vehicles spawning, join this server.

More importantly, FAVOURITE it, and keep coming on!!

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@thehet the name rings a bell, did you ever get picked up by a group of players in a vehicle on the coast and we all ended up having to take Antibiotics because you were infected?? if it was you I'd love to meet up again some time in game (as long as your not ill again)

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Yep that was me alright!! Come to our server when you have time. We are looking for more players to be actively online.


Here's our website again.

The details are UK227, CH off, 3d on. GMT-6hrs. Regular restarts so vehicles get respawned, although the clan is still trying to recover the chopper from the ocean lols.

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