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DKz are looking for more members

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[Dkz] is looking for more EU players

we raid heli crashes, nw airfield, ne airfield and lots of other stuff

we are recording when we go on raid

Req !!


knowing the map more or less

know the basic stuff

be abel to play more or less evry day

and bring your skills and lets have a look at u :)

Pm me if u like what u see :D

[DKz] out.

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My Skype is xxsupasouljaxx

My Steam is elektrosurvivor

I have Skype, Steam, and Team Speak 3.

I am 15 years of age.

I have been playing DayZ for about 2 mouths.

I am a expert at flying helicopters.

I listen and I'm very helpful to have around.

I only like to play on Chernarus.

I know how to get to Cherno, Elektro, Stary and novy subor, all of the east coast, and north east and north west airfield without looking at a map or signs.

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My Skype is scotty0958

My Steam is oscaar1337 or tommzyy

I have Skype, Steam, ts3 (teamspeak), mumble and ventrilo

I am 15 years of age.

I've been playing arma 2 for 1 and 1/2 years and dayz since early may

Im an ARMA veteran and can handle any type of role given to me

I'm a tactical thinking

I've played Lingor and Chernarus in-depth and know 90% of the main areas

I'm an accurate shot and can hit something at 600m+ without a rangefinder purely by knowing the arma engine and how the physics of it work

I can handle intense situations well

I'm fun when needed and can be serious

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[Dkz] is looking for more EU players

We got oure own server ( public )

We try to do some raids like killing ppl finding stuff we need to improve

We spend a lot of time talking and making plans for the server / camp

but most of all we are trying to have fun while we play

Req !!


knowing the map more or less

know the basic stuff

be abel to play more or less evry day ofc u still need to have a real life as well :D

and bring your skills and lets chek u out

Pm me if u like what u see

[DKz] out.

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[Dkz] is looking for more EU players

We got oure own server

we spend time on the camp / server

we raid heli crashes, nw airfield, ne airfield and lots of other stuff

we are recording when we go on raid

we are trying to record the stuff we do

and most of all we are having fun while we play

Req !!


knowing the map more or less

know the basic stuff

be abel to play more or less evry day and ofc u still need to have a real life next to the game

and bring your skills and lets chek u out

Pm me if u like what u see

[DKz] out.

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i'm looking for a EU clan so if i can join it wold be awsom, me skype name is: alexander.wadman1

(i playd for a long time so i know alot)

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Still looking for members? I'm a great DayZ player. Alot of experience. I got over 300H played time in DayZ. I'm a good sniper and good raider. And I have skype.

My age: 14 years old.

Location: Sweden.

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sry guys i went over to the dark side and startede to play warz insted

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