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Don't like Fps lag? Well here is a fix for that. |No Downloads|

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Hello, I'm new to posting things, so I didn't know if I should put release or info or tutorial. Anyways, the first time I played DayZ there was mouse lag, and fps lag, and lots of other problems. I've searched why and so and found a site where it fixes it. I hope this helps most people who have fps lag, or mouse lag, ect ect. Sorry if all of you know about this already, just trying to help =). If anyone know's any other ways of having less lag on dayZ, i'd be thankful =).

|You may already know this method or not but this is for those who have experience problems in their gameplay|.


If you're like most people I've met with ArmA, your first impression was unsatisfactory. You were met with either incredible lag when playing all but the most simple missions, your mouse felt like it was attached to your gun via rubber band, and overall you found the game unplayable.

Let's fix that.

FPS lag fix:

Step 1: Go into your "My Documents" folder.

Step 2: Open "ArmA 2" folder.

Step 3: Look for the following lines in ArmA2.cfg, ArmA2OA.cfg, and any other ArmA versions you have.



Step 4: Change them to:



Step 5: ? ? ?

Step 6: Profit. This should dramatically help your FPS lag. Now for the mouse lag.

Mouse lag fix:

Step 1: Open ArmA 2.

Step 2: Open your control settings for whatever profile you use.

Step 3: Drag mouse smoothing to zero.

Step 4: ? ? ?

Step 5: Profit

Oh, and one more thing. This will further help FPS and especially help if you're hosting a game which is CPU intensive. Got more than one CPU on your computer? Probably. Most computers do today.

CPU resource increase:

Step 1: Go into the Steam library (or the shortcut you use to launch ArmA 2 if you use any mods like Invasion 44).

Step 2: Open properties, then launch options (or just properties if it's a shortcut to a mod).

Step 3: Add the following line to the launch options (or shortcut path):

-CpuCount=# *(with # corresponding to the number of CPUs you have or want to use for ArmA. I have a quad-core, so I put 4.)

Step 4: ? ? ?

Step 6: Big profit.

Hope this all helps you all improve your ArmA 2 experience. :3

Edited by LastAct
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Using the raw input of your mouse is the only real reason for spending good money on a good mouse. When you have a silly game bypassing what should be happening is messes up the gameplay!

I found a couple of other things like this plus sum more extras, im getting an extra 15fps now and zero mouse lag. Happy bean fiend!

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Using the raw input of your mouse is the only real reason for spending good money on a good mouse. When you have a silly game bypassing what should be happening is messes up the gameplay!

I found a couple of other things like this plus sum more extras, im getting an extra 15fps now and zero mouse lag. Happy bean fiend!

Well thank you. I got another method and will release later. Don't have a lot of time at the moment.

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Good work on the tips for other players. Much appreciated. Just a note- this wont work for everyone. I already have both alterations and I believe they help slightly

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Holy freaking cow 17 minutes?!? The number one thing you can do to increase your FPS is turn off your post-processing effects.

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I have done the following video and doos codes in ArmA2 and AMAOA

is there any other step to gain more in fps?

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Holy necro Batman, bumped by a swindler.  Ban incoming...


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