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Brand new Private Hive 2 Helis 80+ Vehicles and Non orginal vehicles!

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I emailed back, your GUID is a character short, have you tried joining the server? If so with what name so I can check it with the logs.

I have emailed you back not sure if you have seen it or not.

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hey quick question for you. how did you add the extra vehicles without requiring any additional or alternate downloads?

I simply went around dropping tank traps and then editing the object type, they won't respawn as such but I will take some time to go around dropping them off again, not sure if it's causing trouble with tents and making them disappear so I'm thinking about just sticking to vanilla and just having the max vehicles upped to 100 now.

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Just a quick question. during the server restart today, two vehicles in theire spawn location disappeared. any idea why? I was gonna fix one of them and they both disappeared after the reset.

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Just a quick question. during the server restart today, two vehicles in theire spawn location disappeared. any idea why? I was gonna fix one of them and they both disappeared after the reset.

After that restart none of our tents or vehicles spawned either so all it needs is another restart,but Mindblank was not available to do it.

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Unfortunately I hadn't come accross this bug with the new private hive, only with rented servers, a restart fixes it and from now on I will check after a restart that everything is ok. Never had to until now :(

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Just so you know guys, server is now running 1.7.3!

Cya on there, new bandit group formed by regulars, time to get rough!

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Not sure bud, been night shift but seems others are on np. We just have to wait for the "bug free" stand alone hehe!

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Sup, been recommended this server man :) squad of 4-6 looking for a new home! can I sign us all up at once as not everyone has accounts on here!

EDIT : Sorry bro, didn't see the email. we'll be on from 530 gmt ISH.

Edited by showtime

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Hi. Just som feedback and a question from me. I think this is a great server. Really fast to get into and next to no problems that i have encountered. But one thing i'm wondering about is the vehicles. It's stated that there are 80+ vehicles, and while i dont know how many players there are on the server i rarely see more than 5-6 at once. Today i've completed a grand tour of the map with the exception of the edges of the map where i assume the camps are. I know where all the default spawn points to vehicles are, and yet i didnt come across a single vehicle. Not one, not even a ATV or a bike. So i guess there are some serious hoarders in this server. And that means if i really want a vehicle i will need to run along the edge of the map to find one, something i would prefer not to do since that means someone else s hard work will be taken from them ;)

Edited by Tordenskiold

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Sent e-mail.

And I really hope that there're vehicles still, it's one of the main reasons I play Private Servers.

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