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I have no idea what happened

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Date/Time: Approximately 11.50 AM ( GMT -8)

What happened: I just got the game and I downloaded everything. Six Launcher and all that.. so I get into a random server but while loading I got flashes of the scoreboard(?) and the character selection thing.. and once I got ingame I was a weird looking default male.

Where you were: Where I spawned.. I have no idea about the server I'm afraid.. it was a german one I think. DE #49 probably.

What you were doing: Loading I guess.

*Current installed version: v1.7 I think.

*Server(s) you were on: DE #49 most likely.

*Your system specs:

Uhm, I'm not quite sure actually lol..

2 gb ram I think and I believe it's a geforce 9 series.. 512 mb..

*Timeline of events before/after error: I think I wrote that above?

Anyway.. can I just get like.. a reset so I can do all my stuff over? My character name was either DerpCat or KatStacks lmao...

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