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Squad brings down chopper without AS50

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It's easy to take down a chopper with a few well aimed 5.56 rounds. I've personally shot a rotor out with nothing but an aks-74.

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It's easy to take down a chopper with a few well aimed 5.56 rounds. I've personally shot a rotor out with nothing but an aks-74.


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It's easy to take down a chopper with a few well aimed 5.56 rounds. I've personally shot a rotor out with nothing but an aks-74.

It's easy to take down a chopper with a few well aimed 5.56 rounds. I've personally shot a rotor out with nothing but an aks-74.

It is not 'easy' at all.

Cool video but you need to slap the shit outta your teammates for not shutting up and talking about pointless stuff when you're in a tight situation ><

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It is not 'easy' at all.

Cool video but you need to slap the shit outta your teammates for not shutting up and talking about pointless stuff when you're in a tight situation ><

i know they are damn idiots, I guess they thought we got wiped out :/ oh well thanks for the nice comment :D

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It's not easy to take down a chopper even with an AS50. You have to line up the shots perfectly just to hit it. The only time it's "easy" to take down a chopper is when it's not moving.

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My current mission in DayZ is to take out the tail rotor on a chopper then sit back and watch it spin out of control, already shot one down but I really want to watch one spin out.

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My current mission in DayZ is to take out the tail rotor on a chopper then sit back and watch it spin out of control, already shot one down but I really want to watch one spin out.

lololol that would be awesome, one of my videos my friends and I were flying in a little bird and another choper comes and takes out the tail rotor and we are just spinning in the air and I luckily recovered.

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It's not easy to take down a chopper even with an AS50. You have to line up the shots perfectly just to hit it. The only time it's "easy" to take down a chopper is when it's not moving.

Flying boats are always easy to hit.

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