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US 8 Lingor **75+ Vehicles** [VETERAN 3DP:ON CH:ON][Mostly Daytime][SideChat: ON] | SurvialServers.com Community Hive

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US 8 Lingor | SurvivalServers.com Community Hive


This server is part of the SurvivalServers.com Community Hive which means your gear will transfer over to the other servers connected to this hive. The private hive allows us admins to add to the DayZ experience with some awesome tools provided to us by SurvivalServers.com.


  • 75+ Vehicles (At least 3 heli's)
  • Active Admins
  • BEC/DayZ Anti-hax
  • 5-10 Minute warnings for restarts
  • Out of bounds vehicles destroyed
  • Barbwire/Sandbags delete 8 days after creation
  • Server restarts at 3:00 AM Server Time
  • Global side chat
  • Daily Database backups in case of a hacker attack


  • ​Location: Philadelphia, PA
  • IP:
  • Slots: 40
  • Ventrilo:


  • No cheating/scripting/duping
  • No voice chat in side channel
  • No Racism
  • Have fun!


  • So are you guys a bandit clan? Well, depends what mood we're in :) ..seriously though, some of us like to help (me!) and some love to bring destruction. Anything goes with us.
  • Are you asshole vehicle hoarders? Hell no. We hate that crap as much as the rest of you so we only have what we need. We carry maybe 4 vehicles at a time.
  • Can I join your squad? We don't actively recruit but you're more than welcome to join us on our ventrilo or come on our forums over at DarkSixGaming.net

For no reason whatsoever, here's a video of us using our vehicles responsibly.

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What a fantastic post! Really enjoyed/loved the video!

Myself and a few friends will definitely give your server a try.

you kind Madam have my beans.

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If you're on right now I will be taxi'ing fresh spawns around with our chopper. Side-arm/flashlight drawn etc. Let me know if you need a ride.

Edited by Netro

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LOL.. beans just for that bike jump :)

Im from the UK so when i download it, i might see you online tonight (late night GMT player) :)

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LOL.. beans just for that bike jump :)

Im from the UK so when i download it, i might see you online tonight (late night GMT player) :)

Cool man, I try to keep the server day time even when I'm not playing. If you see me on (same username in-game) and you're a fairly new spawn I will give you a ride anywhere to gear up provided I still have my chopper.

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