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Remus (DayZ)

Looking to Recruit 1 More

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Currently there are about 3-4 of us, including me. Usually on average there is anywhere from 2 to all 4 of us on.

I'm looking to bring 1 more person around the group. I also use the word group, because we are in

no way shape, or form a clan. We are just buddys who have decided to play together.

Before you decide to join, or take a step further. We play on a private hive server, more commonly known as

DayZ Die in a Fire Edition. (View Thread Here -> http://dayzmod.com/f...lable-for-play/ )

If you have already downloaded, and currently play on that mod; all the better.

The biggest requirement we are going to have is that you have downloaded, and installed this mod.

Because this is the private hive we play on, and actually the only server we play on anymore.

And for the most part we get more action then we sometimes desire.

Now as for the rest of the requirement listed below, you must meet

each and everyone of them before you apply or message me

to join the group.

  • Have a fully functional microphone.
  • Have DayZ DIAF mod installed. (Server we play on)
  • Be at least 17 years of age.
  • Use skype, or willing to use skype.
  • Have played DayZ for at least 2Months
  • Can play about 3-4 Hours a day. (Just be a regular we can always count on to play with)

There are no exceptions to any of the rules stated above. If you do not meet one of the requirements.

Then I'm sorry you do not meet the requirements to join our group.

If after all those harsh requirements you still for

whatever reason want to join me and my buds, then

please message me on these forums Via a PM.

I should normally have a reply with an hour or two.

From there we'll play with you, and see how you are.

Should we not see you fit as a good teammate, we shall let you know.

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DIAF? da fuq? i would say yes buuuuut idk if i can play consistently since i like to play other games not just one (dayz in this instance)

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I play on the server, you have probably seen my name flash up on the death messages alot. I play friendly/have hero skin. I can play with you guys if you like but I typically try and be nice to everyone I meet (until they fire at me).

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Ah well I'm only playing a month so I'm out, but I do agree with killer dude it's a lot of requirements for a casual group

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Requirements are probably there so he has someone to watch his back when he needs it, it's a pain in the ass when you normally play in a small squad and then find yourself alone for a day or two in a row because no-one is online or cba playing.

And none of his group are part of BSB for the record Devil, if however you are looking for active players to play the mod with feel free to check BSB out using the link in my sig. Soon we will have squads on both the US and EU servers.

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