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Two Things I Desperately Need Halps With...

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1. FPS.

My Rig:

HD6950 2gb

4gb Ram

Vista 32 bit

700 Watt PSU

AMD Phenom II x4 965 @ 3.2 GhZ

My FPS hovers between 25-30. Most all settings are on NORMAL. Everything else is off I.E. ATOC, PXAA, ETC. View distance I keep between 50 and 100%. I feel like my computer with these settings should be capping @ 60. In towns it dips as low as 15 unplayable IMO. While in Cherno today, I alt+tab out to check CCC to see my GPU's activity %... its @ 40%. What gives? Theres ~60% of my GPU thats not being used? USE IT FFS! Honestly, no matter what I do. Settings up all the way, settings down all the way my FPS stays right in the same area. <<<This blows my mind. I dont have any problems with any other games. Skyrim I can play close to max everything. (Different engine, I know, but Arma II came out in '09. C'mon Man!)

If you need to know anymore relevant info post here. Ill be checking constantly for ANY support.

2. Recently. Actually, just last night, I started getting Arma II locked up. Completely locked to the point I need to alt+ctrl+del and end task. Task manager claims it's not responding. Sometimes I'll get the "Arma II has stopped working." Message but usually it just locks and I need to end it. Kind of weird because I've never had any problems like this while playing dayz since its launch.

Please, any halp is appreciated. You will get some beanz ifyeh help meh!!!1!11!!!

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Those are my two options? Server lag, and a "I have this problem too?" I know there's someone out there who is maxing this game out. With worse specs than I have who did some tweak in an ini somewhere. Cmon, this isn't dayz. Help someone out.

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LOL alpha is the biggest excuse I've heard on here. System looks fine to me so IMO you shouldn't need any tweaks, whats the PSU brand and what amps does it give out and also GET RID of Vista that wont be helping you at all, have you defragged and what condition is your HDD in?

I've never checked my FPS in DayZ because I've never felt the need to but I run it at 1920x1080 with it all on the highest settings and never see any issues, that said my system would eat yours for breakfast and still want more - i5 3550 watercooled, 8Gb 2133Mhz, WD Black HDD and OCZ 60gb SSD as Cache Drive, GTX470 & Lucid Virtu if you want to compare.

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