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Battleye client not responding

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Okay, ive been on this shit for a month now tried EVERYTHING :facepalm: . When i join a server and press OK, Its stuck at receiving mission file at 0kb for around thirty seconds and kicks me saying: Battleye, client not responding. Cant join ANY server, and this is BULLSHAT!Help :(! :emptycan: :murder:

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Had the same problem. Sounds basic but have you downloaded the latest .dll from the BattleEye website? I did and plunked that lil-file in my BE directory, Rejoined server and 'joy'.

Hope it helps! :)

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Had the same problem. Sounds basic but have you downloaded the latest .dll from the BattleEye website? I did and plunked that lil-file in my BE directory, Rejoined server and 'joy'.

Hope it helps! :)

Okay, no offense, but if I said Ive tried EVERYTHING dont you think ive already REINSTALLED FUCKALL BATTLEYE?? :facepalm: Edited by AlexanderTheBaron
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No offense taken. Just shared what worked for me, when faced with the same problem.

Does it show a 0/"anything other than 0"? If so, I'd think internet permissions between Arma2/BattleEye/Dayz&tehwebz? If it's a 0kb/0kb, perhaps Program issues.

Searching google came back with topics more in regards to the game and not BattleEye. :blush:


"Receiving Mission File" dialog hangs while no mission downloads

When joining a multiplayer game, you can view and join servers but upon connection, the MP dialog hangs at "Receiving Mission File (0kb / 0kb)". This dialog will not move or update.

Example: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/3154/armaerroroe6.jpg


Your software or hardware firewall is blocking the ports ArmA uses to update your game files. Try disconnecting your router and plugging your cable/dsl modem directly into your PC. (Be sure to start Windows Firewall to continue protection if you do this) If you have a software firewall, make sure that ArmA is "Enabled" or "Unblocked" in your profiles of accepted connections.

If you find that it's your router blocking the ports, you'll need to open UDP ports 2302-2305 for the game to function with a router.


Edited by Blunt_Zephyr

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Have you updating your router's firmware? I had exactly the same problem and this resolved the issue.

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BattleEye is garbage. Words can't describe how much I hate it. Either it fails to update, fails to connect or kicks you because it's not responding. They better come up with something better or it's just gonna be the hackers and a whole lot of empty servers.

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Okay, ive been on this shit for a month now tried EVERYTHING :facepalm: . When i join a server and press OK, Its stuck at receiving mission file at 0kb for around thirty seconds and kicks me saying: Battleye, client not responding. Cant join ANY server, and this is BULLSHAT!Help :(! :emptycan: :murder:

Try Setting the Authenticaton Encapsulation on your router to either VC or LLC, i have been having issues on numerous DSL lines due to the different way DSLAMS handle endcrypted ATM cells, using the other encapsulation method, resolved it in both cases

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Couldn't agree more had so much trouble with battleye, the same thing happened with other anti cheat thing slike punk buster, so frustrating! I keep trying to join and eventually stopped getting kicked, only a few minutes in though!

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I am having the same problem. I have not been able to play dayZ for several months. I have done the following

Uninstalling and reinstalling everything.

Reinstall Battleye

Downloaded the most recent .dll file for Battleye

Opened the ports in port forwarding

and nothing works. Is there anything else that can fix this issue. I use DayZ Commander and everything is up to date.

Please help, I really want to play dayZ. The game worked a long time ago. And when I had to stop playing it for school. I tried playing it again during the summer and it just stopped working with the BattlEye not responding problem. And i get stuck at the receiving mission at 0kb / 0kb.

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