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Idea For Drink Types And Weapon In Backpack Storage.

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I just had this idea for drink types. Have multiple types of drinks in the game and have the type of drinks effect the player.

Pop (Soda): Consuming a can of pop or multiples of might give the player a bit of the shakes from caffine. The drink timer might also go to red faster since drinking a pop will dhydrated you a bit. Also cause a larger delay to recover your breath after running due to carbination.

Sports Drinks: Consuming causes no shakes but still will not hydate as well as water causing the timer to go into the red faster. Slower then a pop though. An additional benifit could be added if the temperature indicator was working better might be to prevent over heating. Or perhaps have it benifit your food status indicator.

Water: Add bottled water to the game so you can find that in a store or other places. No real ill effects from the bottled water. Add water purification tabs to the game to use with a cantine. If you have the tabs you can use them with a cantine to clean the water but with out them you have a chance to get sick. I guess you could add a water filtration device so you do not need to find purification tablets for each time you fill up. You could also use a fire to boil your water instead of another meathod of water purifcation.

The weapon storage in the backpack could also be altered in a way to benifit the game. If you store a weapon in a pack you must strip it down to the basic components. When you take it out or put one in you must assemble or disassemble the weapon to get it to compact state so it will fit into the pack. This could apply for any assult rifle or for a sniper rifle. The sub machineguns (MP-5 variants and the Bizon SD) Would be small enough that no assembly or dissassebly would be needed. This would give these weapons more of a benifit in the game. This might allow for the addition of a few more types of submachine guns to the game as well A UMP-45 for example which would fire the same .45 rounds as the M1911 as well as the revovler. Also if a weapons skill, or something along those lines, is going to be implimented into the standalone the assebly and the dissassemble would be affected by this. Higher skill faster weapon assembly/dissasembly as well as correct assebly to prevent jamming. Each time the weapon is assebled and dissassebled correctly the skill would increase as well.

Just a few ideas.

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Another idea. The pop(soda) might also create a caffine addicition. Add in coffee as well.

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have you looked around on the forum?

there's threads about this already.

your "clean water" and "Weapons storage" are already being worked on.. either by rocket (diseases in stand alone, and weapons storage in a new A2 DayZ mod) or by someone else...

pres NEW CONTENT and check threads...

good thinking anyways, Coffee adiction.. hahaha. you'll have to add milk and sugar too for the scriptkiddy's.

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Also cause a larger delay to recover your breath after running due to carbination.

Do you experience shortness of breath after drinking a soda? You should see a doctor.

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