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New server for bandit groups

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Just started a new private hive server and want it to be a mainly bandit populated server where big groups of bandits to provide for big, long fights between multiple bandit groups and have some really intense combat. The server is password protected however no application is requird you just need to say you're interested if you're in a team or not and what are yours and their ingame names. The reason for the password it to stop hackers, and stop random players coming on with their AS50 rangefinders and ghillie suite. No duping will be aloaod on the server so if I find a camp with a tent packed with AS50 I'll atempt to find out who it was and ban you.

The server has a high amount of vehicles availble (max) and is veteran difficulty. It's UK hosted and all admins and owners are English speaking only. If you would like to be part of this server add my skype william.cullum reply to this post or message me.

Thanks, william

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I had it in the bandit campfire as I'm aiming it at the bandits and this is where most will hang out but sorry.

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Hey, im interested, My Ign is Gamerfrede and im not in a team atm...

Edited by Gamerfrede

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what population do u aim for?

Tbh I couldn't say but a high one :) I have had a number of groups message me about joining but not seen them on yet?

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