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New to Dayz and arma

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Hello this is my first post, i have seen loads of dayz videos on youtube and this is the type of game ive been waiting for, i have arma2 demo on my pc and it runs on very low graphics, so im saving up to get a new graphics card and ram for my pc and maybe try and get into this game around dec, so just a few questions for my first post as a new player.

1, this is a mod so is it free to play?

2, does internet speed help? i have about 30mbps down 5mbps up

3. should noobs like myself just stay on the new player forum until i play the game for awhile?

thanks for helping me out!

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1. The mod is free but you will need Arma 2 (which you have) you will also need operation arrowhead which costs around about £10 i think...

2. Your internet is fine. Mine is the same 60 down 5 up

3. Yeah i'd advice you to just to have a look around the forums and have a look at some of the basic stuff that you should do when your new like any game really.


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It's free to play, as long as you have the correct version of Arma running. The Arma demo has low res graphics and sounds. You can link this with Operation Arrowhaead and then you'll be able to play. To get the full experience you'll need to buy Combined operations.

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Yes the mod is free to play & yes your bandwith is plenty. Reading the new player posts will enable you to learn the ins & out of the game quicker.. Its probably best to stick to low pop servers so you don't encounter scripters as much.

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Make sure to play in a server that meets the requirements to where you live (UK is best for you) as you get a better ping. Also watch some youtube videos i guess :). Welcome! and hello from n.ireland!

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