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Tried Everything - Loading To Main Menu!

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Guys I've literally been working on this for hours. I'm not able to join a single DayZ server.

Using Play withSIX, it launches, attempts to connect to a server, but I'm booted off to the main menu. When using DayZ Commander, it launches to the main menu.

I've tried reinstalling BattleEye, I've tried verifying Steam integrity files, I've tried using different patch versions like 97448 and 97240. No matter what happens, I'm booted to the main ArmA menu.

Countless searches online say it's either a BattleEye or version problem. I've tried redoing both...so I'm not sure what else I can try. The only way I'll be able to play DayZ is if someone here is able to help me. I bought CO on Steam even after owning ArmA 2 stand-alone DVD specifically so I could play Day Z...

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Most of the time it'll say "You have been kicked off the game." Other times it doesn't do anything. There are a few times where I'll get lucky, maybe with 1 or 2 servers that have 2 or 3 people on them that get stuck at the Wait for host screen, though.

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Does it say exactly "You have been kicked off the game" or something like "Host rejected the connection"?

I'd suggest doing all the basic stuff you've probably already plodded through:

Verify integrity of game cache (both ARMA II and OA), restart computer, try connecting

Reinstall Battleye Anti-Cheat on ARMA II, restart computer, try connecting

Check versions of ARMA II/DayZ/Lingor/etc in DayZ Commander to ensure they're all up-to-date, install where needed, restart computer, try connecting

Beyond that, you'll probably need a specific error description or code to get more help. One thing you could try is having a friend join a server that has death messages, try connecting yourself, and ask him if the server announces your failed connection attempt with a specific error code. Sometimes it won't tell you when you get booted during the loading screens.

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No, it says "You have been kicked off the game."

And as mentioned in the original post, I've done all of that. ^

I wonder if a mod or something is interfering. I'm about to just try reinstalling everything. If that doesn't work, then I'm going to be totally done. I don't understand why this needs to be a difficult process.

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This isn't clear in the OP but have you installed the updates for ARMA 2 and OA from http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder〈=en before installing the Beta? also did you start up both ARMA & OA before attempting to run DayZ? you may want to check that windows firewall isn't blocking ARMA and that you have correct Admin rights, please don't rip into me if you have tried these, like you said you want help so I'm trying to advise.

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check if arma 2 OA AND dayz are fully updated. go to dayz commander, go to the top right where it says install/update, and see if there are any update for either of them. update both of them, and then see if you can get into a server, it should work.

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I completely uninstalled everything, including BattleEye, deleted all of my folders, and reinstalled ArmA 2 + OA with Steam, then installed the patch and DayZ with DayZ Commander, and it works now.

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