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How to repair engine for CH47F?

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I started playing Fallujah a couple days ago and noticed the CH47F (I think that's what it's called lol) spawns a lot. However, every time I get in one, all that is needed to be repaired is the engine. I had engine parts and wanted to repair it myself, but I couldn't for the life of me find it. I spent about 20 minutes circling the chopper looking for the spot, crawling under it, etc. Can anybody please give me some help? I would really appreciate it.

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I'm assuming your engine block was in your inventory rather than your back pack? Otherwise you won't get the option to repair.

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with chinooks u need to try and fit underneath it and repair it.

A radius exists for fixing vehicles, and it's not adjusted to accommodate the new spawns.

A problem is though you could risk death because sometimes as you repair your guy might try and crouch resulting in you being squashed.

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