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[CTF] [US ONLY] Chernarus Task Force [RECRUITING]

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Teamspeak now up, if you are a registered clan member please PM me in TS3 for privileges!


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ARMA Name: Wicked

Age: (Must be 15+) 15

TS3: (Must have) Yes

Mic: (Needed!) Yep

Job Wanted: Fighter (Main) , Driver or Scout ( Last Resort)

Medic: (Yes or No) Yes

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I Can Help , Easy to get along with , Dont Mind Sharing Gear And Ammo , Will heal / Medic if Needed and Take the Game serously and Dont F*** About to Much :)

Jason, added, welcome.

Name: Troy

ARMA Name: Drunkirishmidget

Age: (Must be 15+) 25

TS3: (Must have) YEs

Mic: (Needed!) for sure

Job Wanted: Fighter/scout/scavenger

Medic: (Yes or No) willing

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) im active in the game i have been playing bout 2 months now just tired of playing alone i know how to use tactful teamwork with a squad base just looking for some people to play with and better my skills in a squad enviroment.

Troy add me on steam or join the Teamspeak for final interview.

Name: Riley

State: MA

ARMA Name: Warsaw

Age: (Must be 15+) 15

TS3: (Must have) I got it (Name is Businessman)

Mic: (Needed!) Of course

Job Wanted: Fighter or if needed a Scout Sniper

Medic: (Yes or No) No

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) I have been playing DayZ on and off for about 1-2 months now and have experienced just about everything in the game. I have played with a few 4-5 man squads but never a clan or a large group of survivors. I also have experience with flying helicopters and driving ground vehicles in Arma II so I could be a backup Pilot/Driver if none are available at the time

Riley add me on steam or join the Teamspeak for final interview.

Name: Jason

State: California

ARMA Name: Zerospace

Age: (Must be 15+): 22 (23 in 5 days)

TS3: (Must have): Yes

Mic: (Needed!): Yes

Job Wanted: Scout sniper

Medic: (Yes or No): Open to the job, but preferably not

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences): I've been solo all this time and would like to give teamwork a try, I'm pretty good at scavenging quickly but often get taken out by groups. I would like to not only offer my help to others but receive the same when I need it.

Jason add me on steam or join the Teamspeak for final interview.

Edited by Tyl3r684

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Teamspeak talk in fun, more to apply is more to have fun with! :)

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Name: Jake

ARMA Name: Death Adder

Age: (Must be 15+) 23

TS3: (Must have) Yes.

Mic: (Needed!) yes

Job Wanted: Riflemen/Sniper. I've been playing Dayz for almost 2 months now. My favorite gun is the MK48 (Riflemen) or CCO SD (Scout) AS50/L85 (Sniper)

Medic: (Yes or No) Yeah, i always carry med supplies.

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I've played DayZ since August. I have great leadership skills, organization and knowabouts of the game itself. I also have played with a few other friends of mine. I enjoy helping other friendlies on servers, assisting distressed players and having fun most of all. I would love to join and play with you guys, I'm on quite a bit.

Edited by Gooseguy312

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Name: Jake

ARMA Name: Death Adder

Age: (Must be 15+) 23

TS3: (Must have) Yes.

Mic: (Needed!) yes

Job Wanted: Riflemen/Sniper. I've been playing Dayz for almost 2 months now. My favorite gun is the MK48 (Riflemen) or CCO SD (Scout) AS50/L85 (Sniper)

Medic: (Yes or No) Yeah, i always carry med supplies.

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I've played DayZ since August. I have great leadership skills, organization and knowabouts of the game itself. I also have played with a few other friends of mine. I enjoy helping other friendlies on servers, assisting distressed players and having fun most of all. I would love to join and play with you guys, I'm on quite a bit.

Please join the teamspeak for the final interview! :)

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My Skype is xxsupasouljaxx

My Steam is elektrosurvivor

I have Skype, Steam, and Team Speak 3.

I am 15 years of age.

I have been playing DayZ for about 2 mouths.

I am a expert at flying helicopters.

I listen and I'm very helpful to have around.

I only like to play on Chernarus.

I know how to get to Cherno, Elektro, Stary and novy subor, all of the east coast, and north east and north west airfield without looking at a map or signs.

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My Skype is xxsupasouljaxx

My Steam is elektrosurvivor

I have Skype, Steam, and Team Speak 3.

I am 15 years of age.

I have been playing DayZ for about 2 mouths.

I am a expert at flying helicopters.

I listen and I'm very helpful to have around.

I only like to play on Chernarus.

I know how to get to Cherno, Elektro, Stary and novy subor, all of the east coast, and north east and north west airfield without looking at a map or signs.

Declined, please use the correct application.

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Name: Devon

ARMA Name:D_Snipe_

Age: (Must be 15+) 30

TS3: (Must have) Sho Nuff

Mic: (Needed!) Yep

Job Wanted: Medic: (Yes or No) Spotter/Scout Medic If needed, I always have the necessities with me

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I have been playing for a couple of months and feel like I have accomplished everything I have set out to (find all the weapons, heli, built a few vehicles. Now I am ready to approach the game from a team perspective. Would like to help others in need and erradicate the dern zombies!

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TeamSpeak is empty, join now! Member or not, it's fun!

IP: ctf.ts3dns.com

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Name: Ryan

Arma 2 Name: IDontKnow

Age: 16

TS3: Yes

Mic: Yes w/ Headphones

Job Wanted: Sniper

Medic: Yes always carrys a few blood bags around with me.

A personal reason you should be accepted: I've been playing the game for a few months now and certainly know my way around, and i've had my fair share of run ins with Bandits. I have another friend who would most likely be interested in joining although i havn't spoken with him in a few days. I consider myself a decent sniper but would love to learn more, all in all i'm a strong team player and would love some more people to play with.

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Name: Alex

ARMA Name: Clarky

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) Got it

Mic: (Needed!) Got it

Job Wanted: Fighter or Scout

Medic: (Yes or No) Not too extatic about playing one. Would prefer to be a Scout over a Medic.

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) I work well with groups just as I do alone. But I'd prefer to spice up my gaming addiction to DayZ and join a clan. I also am capable of following tactical offensive and defensive orders/objectives.

Edit: I am a veteran player to the mod but not to the forums. I've only just recently registered to this site but have visited it everyday for a while.

Edited by Captain Clarky

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ARMA Name: Wolfdevon

AGE: 13

TS3: wolfdevon117

Mic: I have one

Job Wanted: Fighter

Medic: No

Personal Reason to be accepted: I have always wanted to be in a professional group for awhile so has my friend Smim. Also this seems like a good community to be apart of and I would love to be a part of the team.

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Name: Ryan

Arma 2 Name: IDontKnow

Age: 16

TS3: Yes

Mic: Yes w/ Headphones

Job Wanted: Sniper

Medic: Yes always carrys a few blood bags around with me.

A personal reason you should be accepted: I've been playing the game for a few months now and certainly know my way around, and i've had my fair share of run ins with Bandits. I have another friend who would most likely be interested in joining although i havn't spoken with him in a few days. I consider myself a decent sniper but would love to learn more, all in all i'm a strong team player and would love some more people to play with.

Please join TeamSpeak for finalization!

Name: Alex

ARMA Name: Clarky

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) Got it

Mic: (Needed!) Got it

Job Wanted: Fighter or Scout

Medic: (Yes or No) Not too extatic about playing one. Would prefer to be a Scout over a Medic.

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) I work well with groups just as I do alone. But I'd prefer to spice up my gaming addiction to DayZ and join a clan. I also am capable of following tactical offensive and defensive orders/objectives.

Edit: I am a veteran player to the mod but not to the forums. I've only just recently registered to this site but have visited it everyday for a while.

Please join TeamSpeak for finalization!


ARMA Name: Wolfdevon

AGE: 13

TS3: wolfdevon117

Mic: I have one

Job Wanted: Fighter

Medic: No

Personal Reason to be accepted: I have always wanted to be in a professional group for awhile so has my friend Smim. Also this seems like a good community to be apart of and I would love to be a part of the team.

Please join TeamSpeak for finalization!

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Jason, added, welcome.

Troy add me on steam or join the Teamspeak for final interview.

Riley add me on steam or join the Teamspeak for final interview.

Jason add me on steam or join the Teamspeak for final interview.

what Port i need the full TS3 server info it wont let me join with just ctf.ts3dns.com

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what Port i need the full TS3 server info it wont let me join with just ctf.ts3dns.com

That is exactly how it works, no ports needed in the IP box just put ctf.ts3dns.com

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Name: Drew

State: NC

ARMA Name: Maciev

Age: 17


Mic: Yes.

Job Wanted: Fighter

Medic: Nope.

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences): I know the map decently well, I know the quickest loot routes in both major cities and how to find down copters.

How many people are in the squad?

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Name: Drew

State: NC

ARMA Name: Maciev

Age: 17


Mic: Yes.

Job Wanted: Fighter

Medic: Nope.

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences): I know the map decently well, I know the quickest loot routes in both major cities and how to find down copters.

How many people are in the squad?

Join TS if you would like to be accepted fully, and 10 with a few more

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Name:Grey Bowden


ARMA Name:Grey

Age:(I am gonna be honest I am only 14

TS3: (Must have) Your Steam name must match TS3 nickname, and also very helpful if ARMA was also same.

Mic: Yes

Job Wanted: Scavanger/fighter


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members who were not willing to join TeamSpeak were removed for inactivity, lots of space for more, but please note if you are going to signup, you have to be active in teamspeak and use it!

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i have a few questions what server do u play on?

Servers change as needed, we will not release our server information to anyone that has not been accepted into the clan for obvious reasons.

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