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[CTF] [US ONLY] Chernarus Task Force [RECRUITING]

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We are the [Chernarus Task Force]

Please do not add Tyl3r684 on Steam unless you need to contact him or he asks you too.

IP: ctf.ts3dns.com

*BIG NOTE* In teamspeak to setup your name use your nickname as steam name and in () put your ARMA name like so


Tyl3r684 (Tyler)

Who are we?

We are the CTF we keep peace and order within Chernarus. Everyone is our friend, Except bandits! We kill them. There is no real "ranking" between us, you will each have a job though (posted in another spoiler).

Our ways.

1. We never kill others, unless shot at first.

2. Bandits are our enemy, KoS!

3. Insulting, "hating", sexism, or racism toward another member is prohibited, you will be banned.

4. Joking around is fine! Just don't take it too far.

5. More to be added. (suggest them)


Jason(Wicked) - Driver - Safe

Riley(Businessman) - Fighter - Safe

Alex(Clark) - Scout Rifleman - Safe

Troy(DrunkIrishMidget) - Fighter - Safe

Drew(Maciev) - Fighter - Safe

Devon(D_Snipe_) - Scout Sniper - Safe

Ryan(McGuire) - Fighter - Safe

Sapp(RcSapp) - Fighter - Safe

Dv(Dv?) - Scout Rifleman - Safe

Tyler (Me) - Leader ^_^ - Safe


Scout - Goes ahead to see if the area is safe, also a scavenger for items. As a scout you have both of those duties, no need to pick scout or scavenger.

*You can be a scout rifleman or sniper* *You must pick one of those when making your application!

Fighter - Is a basic member of the squad, no special jobs but assist anyone when needed.

Pilot/Driver - You are the main driver and or pilot for use, you manage your own vehicles, keep them ready to go.

Sub job (optional)

Medic - This is an optional job to pick on top of your main one, this will make you a designated healer so if someone is hurt or down YOU be on first call to get to them, remember you do not need to pick this it is here for anyone who wants too.

What job is he/she?! (How to read prefix)

Here is how we read our prefixes.

Main prefix is [CTF]

Now you add your job too it. [CTF-S-M] This is a scout medic, that last "-M" is only used if you are a medic.

So remember it goes [CTF-S] For a normal scout and [CTF-S-M] for scout medic I will list all possible ranks below







*BIG NOTE* In teamspeak to setup your name use your nickname as steam name and in () put your ARMA name like so

Tyl3r684 (Tyler)

A note before joining.

We are a US only squad (sorry) If you really, I mean REALLY want to be a part of us, PM me and I will consider it.

As of now we have no cars, or supplies this is pretty much the post to see who will be our helpers.

It will be hard work when we get everything running, and yes we will be a squad in standalone also.

How do I join?!

Fill out the following application.



ARMA Name:

Age: (Must be 15+)

TS3: (Must have) Your Steam name must match TS3 nickname, and also very helpful if ARMA was also same.

Mic: (Needed!)

Job Wanted:

Medic: (Yes or No)

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences)

*BIG NOTE* In teamspeak to setup your name use your nickname as steam name and in () put your ARMA name like so

Tyl3r684 (Tyler)

Edited by Tyl3r684
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Name: James

Age: 28

TS3: Yes

Mic: Yes w/ Headphones

Job Wanted: Spotter/Scout

Medic: Can be if needed. Always carry some med supplies if I run across it.

A personal reason you should be accepted: I'm a dedicated and experienced game player. I've been playing ARMA since 08, so I know the game well. I don't like to randomly shoot people, i've never been a bandit. I know how to play with team work and squads. I have experience with ARMA in real life strats. I'm not hardcore, I just understand when discipline and experience come into play and when to use it. I can joke around and have fun but be ready for a fight. I also have no problem dieing and having to go loot gear again. (It's part of the game). I've been more of a loner in dayZ because most of my friends have stopped playing and are waiting on the stand alone. However I still run with my scout sniper squad looking for bandits wherever we think a good spot is going to be at that point.

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Name: James

Age: 28

TS3: Yes

Mic: Yes w/ Headphones

Job Wanted: Spotter/Scout

Medic: Can be if needed. Always carry some med supplies if I run across it.

A personal reason you should be accepted: I'm a dedicated and experienced game player. I've been playing ARMA since 08, so I know the game well. I don't like to randomly shoot people, i've never been a bandit. I know how to play with team work and squads. I have experience with ARMA in real life strats. I'm not hardcore, I just understand when discipline and experience come into play and when to use it. I can joke around and have fun but be ready for a fight. I also have no problem dieing and having to go loot gear again. (It's part of the game). I've been more of a loner in dayZ because most of my friends have stopped playing and are waiting on the stand alone. However I still run with my scout sniper squad looking for bandits wherever we think a good spot is going to be at that point.

Please add me on steam for final interview.


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Name: Ryan

ARMA Name: Ryan

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) Yes, I have a server we can use, as a backup. Teamspeak is amazing

Mic: (Needed!) Obvi

Job Wanted: Riflemen/Sniper. I've had close to a year of ARMA II experiance. My prefered gun is MK48 (Riflemen) or M14 (Scout) AS50/M24 (Sniper)

Medic: (Yes or No) Sure hah, I'll always carry a few med supplies if given

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I've played DayZ since June. I have great leadership skills, organization and knowabouts of the game itself. I also 3 other friends interested in joining this clan. The Idea itself of not KoSing everthing is nice. Instead of the traditional bandit clan, we can help servers, help distressed players and bring back DayZ to when everything was a bit more... friendly. I would be honored to join and contribute, I'm on often enough. http://steamcommunity.com/id/hermonli

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Name: Ryan

ARMA Name: Ryan

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) Yes, I have a server we can use, as a backup. Teamspeak is amazing

Mic: (Needed!) Obvi

Job Wanted: Riflemen/Sniper. I've had close to a year of ARMA II experiance. My prefered gun is MK48 (Riflemen) or M14 (Scout) AS50/M24 (Sniper)

Medic: (Yes or No) Sure hah, I'll always carry a few med supplies if given

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I've played DayZ since June. I have great leadership skills, organization and knowabouts of the game itself. I also 3 other friends interested in joining this clan. The Idea itself of not KoSing everthing is nice. Instead of the traditional bandit clan, we can help servers, help distressed players and bring back DayZ to when everything was a bit more... friendly. I would be honored to join and contribute, I'm on often enough. http://steamcommunity.com/id/hermonli

Name: Ryan

ARMA Name: Ryan

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) Yes, I have a server we can use, as a backup. Teamspeak is amazing

Mic: (Needed!) Obvi

Job Wanted: Riflemen/Sniper. I've had close to a year of ARMA II experiance. My prefered gun is MK48 (Riflemen) or M14 (Scout) AS50/M24 (Sniper)

Medic: (Yes or No) Sure hah, I'll always carry a few med supplies if given

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I've played DayZ since June. I have great leadership skills, organization and knowabouts of the game itself. I also 3 other friends interested in joining this clan. The Idea itself of not KoSing everthing is nice. Instead of the traditional bandit clan, we can help servers, help distressed players and bring back DayZ to when everything was a bit more... friendly. I would be honored to join and contribute, I'm on often enough. http://steamcommunity.com/id/hermonli

I am adding you on steam now, for final interview! :)

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Name: Gregory Hall

ARMA Name: AlphaWolf

Age: 16 07/19/96

TS3: have

Mic: have

Job Wanted: Fighter

Medic: Yes

Hoping to join have been trying to join a clan for awhile. I am wanting to be medic because i want to be a support. I also cant use a few keys on keyboard but nothing major but the space key. i follow directions i am kind i don't have a squiky voice and i live in CA. i have also never killed another player but 1 bandit lol.

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Name: Gregory Hall

ARMA Name: AlphaWolf

Age: 16 07/19/96

TS3: have

Mic: have

Job Wanted: Fighter

Medic: Yes

Hoping to join have been trying to join a clan for awhile. I am wanting to be medic because i want to be a support. I also cant use a few keys on keyboard but nothing major but the space key. i follow directions i am kind i don't have a squiky voice and i live in CA. i have also never killed another player but 1 bandit lol.

Please add me on steam for final interview! :)


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Name: Alex Deaver

ARMA Name: Deaver

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) One of many

Mic: (Needed!) 3 spare?

Job Wanted: Pilot/Driver (M4a1 CCO) Scout (M24, M14 AIM)

Medic: (Yes or No) IF needed

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) Only have been playing Day Z for the past few months but working with friends Such as Hermon Li (Ryan) and a few others ive grown to get into the game and have the strategy down to a science. Sneaky bandits arent sneaky anymore. In my usual group I run as the designated driver and a look out, spending much driving time in the armory to understand flight and quickest routes and vehicles across the vast map of chernaraus. I am very vocal in all situations making sure that we know who is who, and what is being seen, if communications not there than this will be (see picture)


Get ready for a GG

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xdeaver2112/

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Tonight the clan is having a get together ! :P (On Teamspeak)

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Name: Alex Deaver

ARMA Name: Deaver

Age: (Must be 15+) 18

TS3: (Must have) One of many

Mic: (Needed!) 3 spare?

Job Wanted: Pilot/Driver (M4a1 CCO) Scout (M24, M14 AIM)

Medic: (Yes or No) IF needed

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) Only have been playing Day Z for the past few months but working with friends Such as Hermon Li (Ryan) and a few others ive grown to get into the game and have the strategy down to a science. Sneaky bandits arent sneaky anymore. In my usual group I run as the designated driver and a look out, spending much driving time in the armory to understand flight and quickest routes and vehicles across the vast map of chernaraus. I am very vocal in all situations making sure that we know who is who, and what is being seen, if communications not there than this will be (see picture)


Get ready for a GG

Steam: http://steamcommunit...id/xdeaver2112/

Add me on steam,


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Name: John

ARMA Name: Jdtva

Age: (Must be 15+) 22

TS3: (Must have) mhmm

Mic: (Needed!) yerp

Job Wanted: Fighter/scout/scavenger

Medic: (Yes or No) willing

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) I am an active gamer and just started to get into dayz. I have never been in a clan in dayz and i would like to play this game as a group.

Edited by Jdtrva

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Name: John

ARMA Name: Jdtva

Age: (Must be 15+) 22

TS3: (Must have) mhmm

Mic: (Needed!) yerp

Job Wanted: Fighter/scout/scavenger

Medic: (Yes or No) willing

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) I am an active gamer and just started to get into dayz. I have never been in a clan in dayz and i would like to play this game as a group.

Accepted, thanks for the early add on steam!

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Name: Thomas

State: IN

ARMA Name:dudeofdead

Age: 21

TS3: dudeofdead

Mic: I have a Mic

Job Wanted: Scout/Scavenger

Medic: No

A personal reason you should be accepted:

I have been playing the game for a while and enjoy finding equipment, but I can't carry much so I normally just give it away on trading forums.

I want to be of use to a team since i generally run around a lot and Scout/Scavenge anyway.

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Name: Thomas

State: IN

ARMA Name:dudeofdead

Age: 21

TS3: dudeofdead

Mic: I have a Mic

Job Wanted: Scout/Scavenger

Medic: No

A personal reason you should be accepted:

I have been playing the game for a while and enjoy finding equipment, but I can't carry much so I normally just give it away on trading forums.

I want to be of use to a team since i generally run around a lot and Scout/Scavenge anyway.

Please add me on steam, my like is above on many other posts :)

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ARMA Name: Wicked

Age: (Must be 15+) 15

TS3: (Must have) Yes

Mic: (Needed!) Yep

Job Wanted: Fighter (Main) , Driver or Scout ( Last Resort)

Medic: (Yes or No) Yes

A personal reason you should be accepted (3+ sentences) I Can Help , Easy to get along with , Dont Mind Sharing Gear And Ammo , Will heal / Medic if Needed and Take the Game serously and Dont F*** About to Much :)

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Name: Troy

ARMA Name: Drunkirishmidget

Age: (Must be 15+) 25

TS3: (Must have) YEs

Mic: (Needed!) for sure

Job Wanted: Fighter/scout/scavenger

Medic: (Yes or No) willing

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) im active in the game i have been playing bout 2 months now just tired of playing alone i know how to use tactful teamwork with a squad base just looking for some people to play with and better my skills in a squad enviroment.

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Name: Riley

State: MA

ARMA Name: Warsaw

Age: (Must be 15+) 15

TS3: (Must have) I got it (Name is Businessman)

Mic: (Needed!) Of course

Job Wanted: Fighter or if needed a Scout Sniper

Medic: (Yes or No) No

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences) I have been playing DayZ on and off for about 1-2 months now and have experienced just about everything in the game. I have played with a few 4-5 man squads but never a clan or a large group of survivors. I also have experience with flying helicopters and driving ground vehicles in Arma II so I could be a backup Pilot/Driver if none are available at the time

Edited by Warsaw

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Name: Jason

State: California

ARMA Name: Zerospace

Age: (Must be 15+): 22 (23 in 5 days)

TS3: (Must have): Yes

Mic: (Needed!): Yes

Job Wanted: Scout sniper

Medic: (Yes or No): Open to the job, but preferably not

A personal reason you should be accepted (2+ sentences): I've been solo all this time and would like to give teamwork a try, I'm pretty good at scavenging quickly but often get taken out by groups. I would like to not only offer my help to others but receive the same when I need it.

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