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Panthera Host

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Looking for a host with Panthera ready. Prefer the servers to be located in the US.

Also looking for someone / host who has the ability to provide custom loadouts per player on respawn. not a single default loadout for everyone.

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No Providers yet? Throwing my money at the screen and nothing is happening

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I think we're the only host that supports Panthera as of right now (we had it the same day the server files were released) and we have US and UK servers. Throw some money at us :)

Custom loadouts per player on respawn would be tricky, no hive supports that natively - only way I can think of would be to modify the hive itself, maybe I can come up with a mysql procedure that would do it.

Edited by ersan191

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can come up with something if you decide to order from us - send me an e-mail at admin@dayz.st after you sign up so I don't forget.

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Vert Hosting LTD are now providing Panthera servers.

To have randomised loadouts per player spawn would require changes to the stored procedures inside the database and/or changes to the server-side code.

James Warner

Vert Hosting

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