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I'm the hero Chernarus deserves, but not the one it needs right now

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Have you ever sat on a hill and sniped some people inside the city?

It's actually quite fun, although i wouldnt make a habit of it. Everything gets boring eventually.

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1. Add zombie spawners to the hills near popular sniping spots. (Not only does sniping become more dangerous, but people in the cities can use zombies to detect the presence of snipers)

2. Increase the chance for zombies to break legs while prone (though drastically reduce the chance to break legs overall).

3. Broken legs add a severe "pain" effect that blurs and shakes vision that can only be reduced by Morphine. Broken legs should also severely limit mobility and speed.

4. Give Morphine some side effect to counteract its use, like slower movement and/or loss of peripheral vision.

5. Remove the ability to fix your own broken legs and add "splints" that must be administered by other players.

At the very least do #1. This allows the game normal mechanics to keep noob griefing in check without breaking immersion or changing the game or playstyle of anyone but the snipers.

The rest would force a bit more social interaction and reduce some of the KOS mentality since players are no longer regarded merely as a threat to be eliminated. We would each be mutually beneficial to each others survival. Secondly, injury would have actual consequences which incidentally would require the aid of another player to mend. Its no longer in the average players best interest to immediately kill anyone they see. Bandits still have the art of deceit and ambush tactics to assail others and minimize the risk of injury to themselves. Solo players are faced with a much harsher survival experience (A huge plus imo) And...most importantly, people cant just sit in the hills above Electro killing noobs without any risk of danger.

edit: Typo

Edited by Parasite057

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Most snipers that kill not to loot are hackers. Trust me. A regular dayz player can't afford to waste ammo killing players for no reason. Also they are smart enouth to know doing that is a good way to die quicker.

Edited by harley001

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Most snipers that kill not to loot are hackers. Trust me. A regular dayz player can't afford to waste ammo killing players for no reason. Also they are smart enouth to know doing that is a good way to die quicker.

Im not a hacker, yet i enjoy getting my murder count higher for no other reason. f*ck me, right?

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