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New player looking for players/group

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Hello, my name is Motaghi and I am looking for YOU!

I have just started playing Day Z and realized it can be a LOT more fun if played with more people. While being a lone wolf does have its thrills, playing in a group seems to a be a lot more fun. I have 1 friend who used to play Day Z and is willing to start playing if I can gather a few more people, but I haven't been able to "convert" anyone else, yet.

About me, as a Day Z'er:

I have only just started playing Day Z, with only 2-3 hours of time spent in game. I am generally a quick learner when it comes to games and a bit of a "theorycrafter" (I like numbers!) and am usually the guy who knows the technical stuff when it comes to games, and I don't think Day Z will be any different once I get properly started. When I meet people I will most likely shoot them on sight (if I am in a position to kill them without them getting away), hide and slip away (if they seem friendly/too powerful), or hide and ambush them. I would classify myself as a mix of "lawful evil" and "neutral evil", for those of you who are D&Ders.

About me, games in general:

As I wrote earlier, I have been playing console and (mostly) PC games since forever. The games I have played the most are without a doubt RPGs, but I have also spent a not-inconsiderable amount of time on shooters, mainly Counter-Strike (pre-1.6 and 1.6 - hated CS: Source) and Quake 3 and consider myself good at aiming, at least good enough to win a few quake 3: RA and pro mode tournaments at LANs. I go to a LAN party or two every year and I will be trying to convert people to play Day Z at them from now on. ;)

About me, IRL:

I am 25 years old and live in Denmark and speak English and Danish fluently. I work in IT (as a consultant) so I have my "hardware" in order, meaning I don't have problems with computer or network lag (except maybe server lag ;)), bad microphone, etc. I consider myself an "above average" gamer; mainly because I am good at analyzing stuff and keeping calm. I almost never rage, and when I do, I make sure my mic is turned off :P I am quite cheerful and usually the guy who is calm and cheerful after a loss. I play from 18:00-01:00 GMT+1 (CET) on weekdays and at kind of "random" times on weekends (I have no real obligations on weekends so I am quite flexible).

People that I DO NOT want to play with:

People who rage/whine a lot: I don't mind you getting mad once in a while, you are human... but if I have to listen to someone whining 24/7 I will go mental myself. It's a game! If you get shot and killed, make sure they pay back tenfold!

Hackers, cheaters, glitchers, etc.: Reason should be self-explanatory. I have zero respect for those people.

People who can't carry their own load: If we travel in a team we will help each other, that is a given, but if you have to be helped and supervised constantly I am not the guy for you :) I myself am a Day Z newb, but like to stand on my own and am kind of stubborn about receiving help.

People who "panic" or don't want to follow through: I see this too often, mostly in younger gamers; people who panic when they get in a situation where they have few or no outs and simply throw their hands up in the air and give up or have a small anxiety attack. Never give up!

Motaghi, over and out.

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Add me on steam: =DR=CHRIS!!!!!!

And my skype is datkidwithlonghairandglasses.

im pretty new with 4-5 hours but i did have the luck to spawn in cherno (biggest town in the game)

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If you're looking to join a larger group of people, you might want to take a look at our CQF thread. We are a semi-organized unit always looking for new people.

Read up on us, and if you feel you're interested in joining, drop on by our team speak and meet some people. I'll post a link to our thread, which contains most of the information, below.


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Hey there,

I play DayZ since end of august and am looking for some mates in DayZ too

I am 25 years old myself, from germany and am home from work about ~18 CET every day and ready to play about 18:30.

I also have a Q3 RA and CPMA background and still enjoying playing Quake Live once in a while.

In D&D terms i would describe myself as Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil but do not consider playing as a Bandit, I rather aim for hero skin in the future but do not want to be a saint who roams whole cities just to bandage a stranger.

if you consider playing with me, feel free to add my skype-account: shortkeen

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My Skype is xxsupasouljaxx

My Steam is elektrosurvivor

I have Skype, Steam, and Team Speak 3.

I am 15 years of age.

I have been playing DayZ for about 2 mouths.

I am a expert at flying helicopters.

I listen and I'm very helpful to have around.

I only like to play on Chernarus.

I know how to get to Cherno, Elektro, Stary and novy subor, all of the east coast, and north east and north west airfield without looking at a map or signs.

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