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[Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

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First Name: Ryan

In-game name: Dr Zaeus

Age: 24

Country: US

What time you are mostly on: 8pm - 1am EST

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Lone wolf for the past 2 1/2 months. I believe the game will be more enjoyable with a group.

Skype: Dr1Zaeus

Experience: 2 1/2 months

Edited by BloodworkLS

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First Name: nick

In-game name: DayZMoka

Age: 17

Country: Canada

What time you are mostly on: 8pm - 12am pacific standard

Why you are searching for a group/clan:because i loke working with a team and helping out anyway possible and it will be fu ot have a clan to play with!

Skype: teh.moka

Experience: 3 months

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First name: Oscar

In-game name: Oscar (original, I know..)

Age: 15

Country: UK (Wales)

What time are you mostly on: 3pm-12pm gmt

Why are you searching for a group/clan: My previous clan has disbanded and I'm looking for new one

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Name: Christopher

In-game: KillingTonne


Country: Canada (Yeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa)

Online: Anywhere from 7pm-7am. Have lots of expendable time on my hands.

In-search of Group/Clan: I rather enjoy DayZ, haven't thought about a clan / serious group until recently. Am very proffessional, although wreckless at times. Really want to cause some havoc!

Skype Name: tych_chris

Experiance: Have been playing for a month or more. Love playing tactically, very able to support or scout.

Edited by tych

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We now are around 8 active members on, almost daily.

We're looking to try to get 10 members on at all times.

Only a few more spots left to be filled.

If we have more applicants wanting to try out for the process, to become a full member. We might end up not accepting less experienced players anymore.

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First Name: Matthew

In-game name: Buklau

Age: 16

Country: USA

What time you are mostly on: all the time really

Why you are searching for a group/clan: i like tactical play. no BS as50 sniping noobs. looking for a group/clan to have clan battles and such

Skype: budbro420

Experience: been playing for awhile now 4-5 months non stop. love this game i am a DMR leet scout sniper, wanting to do clan battles and taking control of the north! i've repaired proly everysingle car in the game as well as the helicopter. i know how to fly the heli as well

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In-game name: Micheal I think



What time you are mostly on:later at night 9-11 CST to about 8AM CST

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I just wana chill with some real people, after 2 weeks zombies have gotten boring.



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First Name: Devan

In-game name:

Age: 15

Country: USA

What time you are mostly on: Im on mostly every day from between 12-4

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I have been playing alone for awhile and looking for group to play with.

Skype: devanlasalla

Experience: I dont have a whole lot with DayZ, (about 2 weeks) But im still a capible player. I have a TON of exeperience with Arma 2 And OA

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First Name: Petr

In-game name: Petr or Peter, would change it if I knew how to

Age: 19

Country: Czech Repulblic

What time you are mostly on: 4pm-11pm +1GMT

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I'm lonely and I want some people to roll with, hoping you are not super serious and want to have fun mostly

Skype: snoopyer1

Experience: I have it for like... 3 months

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First Name: Martin

In-game name: Digby, Diggers or some variation on that. I change it now and again

Age: 52

Country: UK

What time you are mostly on: 17:00-23:00 on weekdays, 14:00-01:00 Fri/Sat UK time

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I want to be a part of a group with structure that is well organised and capable. With good leaders who have solid, imaginative and positive ideas and players who are serious about good clear comms and weapon discipline.

Skype: None, I can get on TS at once though if you have a server.

Experience: Been playing since July, know the map well, know the spawns, know the likely base sites. I'm a fair Huey pilot and driver and am content on overwatch or working as a soldier.

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In-game name: Huntergv

Age: 17

Country: US (Florida)

What time you are mostly on: ~6:00pm until 11:00pm EST weekdays but often earlier, fairly consistently, though some Fridays I arrive home at ~8:00pm EST after presenting national colors at my local high school football game. Depends on JROTC responsibilites. Weekends are usually free and I'm on most of both days, morning to late night.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I would like to be involved in a bandit clan with a few members always present, based on the East Coast servers so I have good ping, and enjoy some high level PvP. When I get tents, they are pretty wasted right now.

Skype: dominantsshunter (Huntergv)

Experience: a few months. Can't wait for Arma 3 and the standalone.

Thanks for your time,


Edited by Huntergv

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First Name: Sebastian but i go by Sabsta

In Game Name: Sabsta

Age: 16

Country: USA

What Time You Are Mostly On: Week days 7-when ever, Weekends Most of the day

Why your are searching for a Group/Clan: I just quit my old one cuz they screw around to much

Skype: Sabsta205

Experience: Alot, i had this game the month it came out an played since it came out to now

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First Name: Brandon

In-game name: CLONE360

Age: 17

Country: U.S.A

What time you are mostly on: Afternoons

Why you are searching for a group/clan: To add more variety/tactical aspect to my game play.

Skype: clone360

Experience: 6 months of day z exp

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First Name: Jesse

In-game name: William W.


Country: USA

What time you are mostly on: 11pm Central time - 5am

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Very group oriented person. Have experience with working with a team for a very long time.

Skype:Dont have one currently but could if i need to. i do have TS3

Experience: Been playing for a couple months now. Im a great shot, and also a very good driver.

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First Name :peter

In-game name: peter

Age: 18

Country: Australia

What time you are mostly on: alot

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Tired of playing by myself

Skype: peter sladden

Experience: Alot

Edited by sladdberry

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