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[Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

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Hello everyone!

[Pain] is looking to expand our numbers.

We have a group of players playing on a very good private hive server with very active admins.

Rarely any hackers ever! If there is they do a rollback. There is 6 restarts a day, and custom vehicle spawns!

But, sadly we do require you to have a mic to play with our little group.

We have a Mumble in organization with the server owners, but we have our own private channel.

Our group is about 6-9 people currently, and look for quality people. :)

I look forward to playing with you.

Majority of us are EST Coast based, so that's the time frame we usually run on.

We' usually have at least 4 of us, playing daily ranging from 4-8hrs daily, if not more. :)

If you might be interested, please fill out this little thing in a reply; and I'll message you on Skype to give you all the information.

First Name:

In-game name:



What time you are mostly on:

Why you are searching for a group/clan:



EDIT: We're now preferring more experienced players, with at least a month, or two of Day Z under their belt.

EDIT 2: We've changed from Teamspeak to Mumble.

Edited by xchronicxlinkx
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First Name: Dylon

In-game name: Dylon

Age: 16

Country: Ireland

What time you are mostly on: most dayz GMT +! 6pm - 12pm

Why you are searching for a group/clan: i find dayz is much more interesting with a group

Skype: dylone2009

Edited by Dylon

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First Name: Nick

In-game name: Striker38 (Buying arma in <24 hrs, gonna need some help in game)

Age: 15

Country: U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! ...

What time you are mostly on: ~ 4pm - ~ 9pm Pacific/Western time (California)

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I'm a team player, and function better in a group, I've found that I'm a natural leader, but I need to learn the basics of zombie survival, not to mention the game itself.

Skype: Striker3883

Edited by Striker38

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First Name: Louis

In-game name: Louis

Age: 15

Country: england

What time you are mostly on: all day

Why you are searching for a group/clan: I am sick of being a lone wolf, i want to play in a squad that is mature and serious about dayz, like i am

Skype: louis.harris10

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First Name: William

In-game name: William

age: 20


what time im mostly on:everynight 10-1 UTC-8 and alot of the time in the afternoon, very flexible

why im searching for a clan: seems more fun than being alone, love being an overwatch/sniper for others, also applying to multiple clans because i need to find one i fit in

skype: dont have, but i use TS3

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First Name: Ryan

In-game name: Krig

Age: 22

Country: USA (GMT -8)

What time you are mostly on:10pm - 1 am (local time), and often in the afternoon.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Im looking for a serious squad to play with, as that seems so much more fun then being a lone wolf.

Skype: Krig514

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First name: Alex Ingame Name: XtremeMarksman5 Age: 15 Country: Usa Mostly on at 4:30 to 9:30 pm pacific time during weekdays during the weekends i can be on all day. im searching for a group because im looking for serious players that are looking to have fun in dayz i have been in a group before but all of them stopped playing.i also love taking risks in dayz im that type of guy that could care less if they die, just love the thrill of rushing people and killing them. skype xtrememarksman5

Edited by XtremeMarksman5

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First Name: Travis

In-game name: Zomboy

Age: 20

Country: US

What time you are mostly on: Random times, but very very often.

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Looking for a group to start playing with, I'm wanting to start streaming on Twitch.. If you guys are down.

Skype: nelobsivart

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First Name: David Karlsson

In-game name: DComedian

Age: 19

Country: Sweden

What time you are mostly on: From when i come home from school to around 1 or 2 night time ( Swedish time +2h)

Why you are searching for a group/clan: To play in group. Play with mature players and at the same time enjoy the time

Skype: DComedian

Have good mic and headset also have a good Knowlegde about the game.

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First Name: Armani

In-game name: Armani



What time you are mostly on:from 7 or 8 till late weekdays and flexible on the weekends

Why you are searching for a group/clan:i wanna play with a mature team and enjoy my time playing it.

Skype: armani.blaze

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First Name: Mason

In-game name: Legerity

Age: 19

Country: USA

What time you are mostly on: usually 5-6 central

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Because playing alone is too tedius, i want some comradere also.

Skype: Mason.moffet

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First name: Will

In-game name: UnknOwn IXI

Age: 22

Country: USA

What time are you mostly on: 5-9 est

Why are you searching for a group/clan: I have been playing by my self since I started and would like to change that.

Skype: Please PM for it

Edited by UnknOwn IXI

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First Name: Ryan

In-game name: Ryan / Hermon Li


Country: U.S.

What time you are mostly on: Any, Afternoon

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Tired of pubs, hackers and generally uncordinated randoms, and the repedative task of scavaging

Skype: I do not use skype, teamspeak 3 is where I'll be. talk.dayzforum.com:10174

Extra: I have 4 friends willing to join, they are more newer to dayz and are good people irl. We're just looking for fun an achievment.

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First Name: Ryan

In-game name: Ryan / Hermon Li


Country: U.S.

What time you are mostly on: Any, Afternoon

Why you are searching for a group/clan: Tired of pubs, hackers and generally uncordinated randoms, and the repedative task of scavaging

Skype: I do not use skype, teamspeak 3 is where I'll be. talk.dayzforum.com:10174

Extra: I have 4 friends willing to join, they are more newer to dayz and are good people irl. We're just looking for fun an achievment.

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First name: Dillon

Ingame name: ingoelite

Age: 18

Country: Canada

Time Zone: Canadian east coast -400 UTC (anytime around 1300 - 0200) weekends are flexible

have TS2 / TS3 / Vent/

Skype: will have to make one, dont use it

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