De.sync 0 Posted October 3, 2012 Last night, the Balota airfield did not look as it should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 93 Posted October 3, 2012 Ugg Hackers!!!! Would not return that server if I were you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol_Gemini 1 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) Yeah, was by there last night as well, was running down coast and saw a hotel over on bolota airfield along with a crap load of building and choppers. Was there a hole of 5-10mins shot at someone taking off in one of the many choppers. The whole time I see 5-10 players getting kicked for a public varialbles # . I was thinking I need to get off this server and then BAM. It kicks me for a public variables #.I didnt touch a chopper or anthing on the server. Just shot at the guy taking off.Assuming the server log was just going insane. And was associating players with the mess that was going on.Hope noone gets a gobal ban from this server and things are taken care of.As its just going off the deep end."except for the person that spawned all that crap"I would avoid this server at all costs.At least until they can fix the issues and provide some kind of admin or oversight. If your going to host a server, I feel you need to protect the players using it to the best of your ability. Edited October 3, 2012 by Sol_Gemini Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) I've been on this. It happened 2 nights (and several restarts) ago. I've been talking with people in the official IRC channels about it to try to get the stuff to despawn. The person that did the actual spawning got banned within 10 minutes of doing it, and I adjusted the way the filters on the server work to ban the same attack in the future; sure enough, the same guy came back with a different GUID (but same name and IP), and he got auto-banned within a minute for attempting a similar type of hack.Today, as per a recommendation from someone in IRC, I brought the server down for over 5 minutes and fully restarted the machine it's on. If that didn't solve it, I can only guess the buildings are probably coming back from the hive. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get rid of the helicopters without them just naturally despawning, though. (EDIT: I got rid of the helicopters. :-)Sol_Gemini: Keep your conflict of interest (being the admin of another server) to yourself. You know nothing about my habits as an admin, and accordingly, no valid basis on which to make such ridiculous statements.Also, all PublicVariable Value Restriction kicks of #43 and up are for doing hive updates while possessing invalid (hacked) items, as it says right in the first line of the MOTD. Therefore many people get kicked for that restriction all the time, without or without hackers present.For anyone interested, here are both of the issues with information about the specific guy that spawned the stuff: . I'm zcallear. Edited October 4, 2012 by Mister_Magotchi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
--------------- 24 Posted October 3, 2012 I've been on this. It happened 2 nights (and several restarts) ago. I've been talking with people in the official IRC channels about it to try to get the stuff to despawn. The person that did the actual spawning got banned within 10 minutes of doing it, and I adjusted the way the filters on the server work to ban the same attack in the future; sure enough, the same guy came back with a different GUID (but same name and IP), and he got auto-banned within a minute for attempting a similar type of hack.Today, as per a recommendation from someone in IRC, I brought the server down for over 5 minutes and fully restarted the machine it's on. If that didn't solve it, I can only guess the buildings are probably coming back from the hive. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get rid of the helicopters without them just naturally despawning, though.Sol_Gemini: Keep your conflict of interest (being the admin of another server) to yourself. You know nothing about my habits as an admin, and accordingly, no valid basis on which to make such ridiculous statements.Also, all PublicVariable Value Restriction kicks of #43 and up are for doing hive updates while possessing invalid (hacked) items, as it says right in the first line of the MOTD. Therefore many people get kicked for that restriction all the time, without or without hackers present.For anyone interested, here are both of the issues with information about the specific guy that spawned the stuff: . I'm zcallear.Sounds Like your tring to hard to cover your ass .. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 3, 2012 Believe what you want to believe. I run a tight ship, and the regulars on the server know it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol_Gemini 1 Posted October 3, 2012 Listen, there is no conflict of interest. If it was mine I would take it down until I solved the problem.People will log on where they wish and to whatever server they wish.They can listen to my suggestion or not. I dont really care.But I will post whatever the hell I like, I don't care for comments from any Admin that can't keep his ship clean. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) If the hacker that visited my server two nights ago came to your server and ran the same script, you'd have buildings and helicopters in your Balota airstrip too. Get off your high horse. If you've found some foolproof method to prevent hacks entirely, please share it, but saying things like, "I would avoid this server at all costs." is unnecessary. I try my best to keep the hacks from working and to ensure that hackers are quickly banned, but it's not perfect. I don't know if you've noticed, but hacking is a major problem in DayZ, and it especially affects popular servers. Edited October 3, 2012 by Mister_Magotchi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol_Gemini 1 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) I was warning people not to visit, because of all the Public Variable kicks Battle eye was doing. Those get reported to battle eye. And could very well get people a Global ban.Any kick that battle eye does on a server, can and most likely will get you a global ban on the next ban wave they send out.And I said I people should avoid it because with the all the messed up stuff on there, BE was kicking legit players.Unless you were nice enough to contact Battle eye and inform them of the problem.So, unless you’re going to guarantee that the public variable kicks won't get you a global ban. And will reimburse players any cost for getting a global ban on a false positive created from the server.I would be cautious on joining until the exploited buildings, choppers and whatever else he spawned in on you is cleaned up.In anycase I am done with this thread. People can make thier own minds up. Edited October 4, 2012 by Sol_Gemini Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monky (DayZ) 0 Posted October 4, 2012 I was warning people not to visit, because of all the Public Variable kicks Battle eye was doing. Those get reported to battle eye. And could very well get people a Global ban.Any kick that battle eye does on a server, can and most likely will get you a global ban on the next ban wave they send out.And I said I people should avoid it because with the all the messed up stuff on there, BE was kicking legit players.Unless you were nice enough to contact Battle eye and inform them of the problem.So, unless you’re going to guarantee that the public variable kicks won't get you a global ban. And will reimburse players any cost for getting a global ban on a false positive created from the server.I would be cautious on joining until the exploited buildings, choppers and whatever else he spawned in on you is cleaned up.In anycase I am done with this thread. People can make thier own minds up. Worry about balota airfield on your own server dude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) Monky is likely the same hacker, FYI: the PublicVariable Value kicks, you're absolutely incorrect. Please review this thread. Technically BattlEye can see everything the client logs, but what a server admin puts in his server's filters have nothing to do with BattlEye global bans. Edited October 4, 2012 by Mister_Magotchi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spankimus 71 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) This Monky character was just in our server too, spawning hotels. Even came into our ts to tell us he did so.24.09.2012 14:48:00: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = X","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then{endLoadingScreen;cutText ["","WHITE IN"];};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:48:00: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #11 "remExField" = layerUID player in ["252865AX","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then{endLoadingScreen;cutText ["","WHITE IN"];};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:48:00: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = "48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then{endLoadingScreen;cutText ["","WHITE IN"];};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:06: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [77.7467, [2291.8,15316.6,0]], 'uh1h_dz'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:44: Franklin ( 87f0c01732b61ec27b7f5f2442e41270 - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["34224555",0,<NULL-object>,"65804870","Franklin"]24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:49:49: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [271.208, [3657.68,2367.88,0]], 'pbx'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:51:37: Harvey ( c60152b91652ac1dff94a867d6abcdb1 - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["34223021",0,<NULL-object>,"80304838","Harvey"]24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:51:57: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [16.0333, [2316.36,15312,0]], 'ikarus'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:55:30: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["34222776",0,<NULL-object>,"2351808","monky"]24.09.2012 14:56:19: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = X","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then{endLoadingScreen;cutText ["","WHITE IN"];};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:56:19: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #11 "remExField" = layerUID player in ["252865AX","48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then{endLoadingScreen;cutText ["","WHITE IN"];};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:56:19: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = "48068294","252865AX","2417218","2351808","3070208","20309702"]) then{endLoadingScreen;cutText ["","WHITE IN"];};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #6 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #17 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #20 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"]24.09.2012 14:58:26: monky ( bbbcfff4aa79fd58ef2797231c85ae63 - Value Restriction #30 "remExField" = ["if (isServer) then{[0, nil, [269.871, [901.99,13602,0]], 'land_houseb_tenement'] call local_publishObj;};",,"setTaskState"] Edited October 4, 2012 by ShiZaNkY 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DGSix 19 Posted October 4, 2012 If the hacker that visited my server two nights ago came to your server and ran the same script, you'd have buildings and helicopters in your Balota airstrip too. Get off your high horse. If you've found some foolproof method to prevent hacks entirely, please share it, but saying things like, "I would avoid this server at all costs." is unnecessary. I try my best to keep the hacks from working and to ensure that hackers are quickly banned, but it's not perfect. I don't know if you've noticed, but hacking is a major problem in DayZ, and it especially affects popular servers.I can't agree with you more. Looks like server admins better buckle up for the next rash of drive by hotels hacked onto their servers. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol_Gemini 1 Posted October 4, 2012 See but I didn't leave my server up.And as for the monky guy. Whatever dude. I submitted the it for global and community ban.Oh but im sure you have more id's. But I really dont care. I took it down, I will fix it and move on.Also taking the IP address and contacting the ISP , and reporting hacking that is affecting something that has a monetary value.Which is a actual crime. has been notified of the IP address and the time it was in use. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 4, 2012 I applaud your optimistic view of the laws on hacking and their enforcement, Sol_Gemini. I wish you luck, but I have my doubts it will do much good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DGSix 19 Posted October 4, 2012 until they can fix the issues and provide some kind of admin or oversight. f your going to host a server, I feel you need to protect the players using it to the best of your ability.When we aren't privy to the public hive there is NOT much an Admin can do. I would do a little research on how the hive, the server and the admins work in dayz before offering any more advice to the general public 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol_Gemini 1 Posted October 4, 2012 I shut my server down to protect the users.Think about it people.Someone logs into a server with all this on it. They die because they are not expecting 20 choppers, 40 vehicles to be driving around. 15 hotels and whatever else that people are using or sitting on top of waiting to kill people.No he logs in thinking, this is chern map and that stuff is not supposed to be there. And they die and lose all thier gear because the server they thought they were logging into was the same as all the others.But no this one is holy $hit mad house of disorder and you die almost instantly or before you realize what is going on.Gee thanks admin for protecting me.I wont allow that to happen on my server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sol_Gemini 1 Posted October 4, 2012 (edited) double post accident Edited October 4, 2012 by Sol_Gemini Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted October 5, 2012 Believe what you want to believe. I run a tight ship, and the regulars on the server know it.yep, that's why I like your server. people are constantly getting bootedbtw last night there was also a barracks there at Balota Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 5, 2012 Yeah. It has been there from the start.I thought I had a fix in place last night to ignore any building spawns coming in from the hive, but it didn't work correctly; it ignored all spawned objects from the hive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daze23 549 Posted October 5, 2012 Yeah. It has been there from the start.alright, I probably didn't notice it the when I was there a few nights prior Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 6, 2012 (edited) Thanks to BI Developer Dwarden's help on the matter, the buildings are now gone from the Balota airstrip (and I got rid of the helicopters several days ago). Edited October 6, 2012 by Mister_Magotchi 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackasaurus 5 Posted October 8, 2012 Thanks to BI Developer Dwarden's help on the matter, the buildings are now gone from the Balota airstrip (and I got rid of the helicopters several days ago).It would nice if you could share this info with the rest of the server admins that have this problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Magotchi 74 Posted October 8, 2012 (edited) It's not information I'm allowed to share in an open forum. For more information, get access to the #DayZ-admins channel on (password probably findable via forums or Google). Edited October 8, 2012 by Mister_Magotchi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites