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Hackers spawning vehicles for themselves - UK13 [screenshots included]

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Server: UK13

Server Version: 1.60.93348

Client Version: 1.60.

Date: 14.06.2012

Time: 18:21 GMT

Issue: 2 players spawning helicopters for themselves that are not available in DayZ Mod.

What happened: I was running west along the north side of Chernarus, heading towards Devil's Castle. I heard the sound of a helicopter, and saw a player (UK13 runs on regular with nameplates on) flying above me in an Mi-24. The player was 'Mr.Razor'. He was followed by another player in an AH-64. The player was 'Cortez'. I heard some loud explosions, but could not see anything else.

I followed in the direction they had been flying and came to Devil's Castle. There I saw 2 helicopters on the ground. A Chinook, and an AH-64. There were 2 players running around the AH-64, 'Mr. Razor' and 'Cortez'. I took a bunch of screenshots and then disconnected, so that they would not see and kill me (remember nameplates are on).

Screenshots below of the Chinook, and then of the AH-64, once with 'Mr.Razor' in it, once with 'Cortez' in it.

Edit: You can also see some kind of boxes in the ground on the screenshots, that are definitely NOT part of the normal Devil's Castle landscape.

Chinook: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/28/chinookq.jpg/

Mr.Razor: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/440/mrrazor.jpg/

Cortez: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/267/cortezp.jpg/




Edit: Added links to other hackers on this server



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Holy damn those screenies are big.

But... Nice find.

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Yeah sorry usually I don't run it that high but I turned it all up for the screenshots so you could see better. :)

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Question: are vehicles now available on all the servers or only on a few ones (the old ones?)

I don't know if it was fixed by any recent patch.

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now get their guids and send them to well deserved vacation

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