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US 2830 Chernarus | SurvivalServers.com Hive [Veteran] [3DP:ON CH:ON NT:OFF] [GMT+12]]

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US 2830 recently switched over to a private community hive with SurvivorServers. It is still 70 slots, but now we have 70+ vehicles that spawn.

If you want helicopters, I have personally seen 4 while playing in one day. Cars galore, my team found and gathered 7 vehicles and left numerous others in one evening. Cars are set for HEAVY damage on spawn, so it will be RARE to see a working vehicle unless you steal it from someone. Helicopter crashes are friggin cool with smoke billowing out now and look AWESOME at night time with the flames shooting out.

The community hive allows the fellow admins to share their bans across all the SurvivalServers community hive participants. It may not be perfect, but we do our best. You can also play your character on multiple servers that use this same host and are on the community hive.

This server used to max out our player cap of 70 every night and would like to see that again since switching last week. So please update your DayZ Commander to reflect the new port if you enjoyed the server before. With the new Bliss server files, the server SHOULD run better that it already was.

We will likely go whitelist entry very soon and automatically add everyone that has played since our switch to the private community hive.

And join our public steam community at http://steamcommunity.com/groups/US2830


On a side note, I believe that I have figured out the player/squad info and images and may offer services for those that want the same to help offset the cost of the server a little.

Edited by ExcelsiorDDZ

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I counted 26 server in the SurvivalServers hive last night.

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Hello there I might be interested in joining and I love you enthusiasm for the sever but can I add you on Skype so we can talk or steam or something?

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