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Does my FPS seem reasonable? [Specs Included]

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I get 50-70 fps in wilderness and 20-35 in cities. I was just hoping some people could comment about whether or not these results seem on par with my specs, because considering there isn't much room to upgrade my cpu I'm surprised that my fps drop is so huge in cities.

3.2 Ghz AMD Phenom II X6 1100T

8 gigs RAM @ 1600 Mhz

Radeon HD 6970 2 gigs GDDR5

120GB 10,000 RPM HDD

I'm fairly certain I'm CPU-bottlenecked because I can adjust many of the GPU intensive settings without seeing a rise/drop in FPS. I've followed all of the tweaking guides I could find and this is as good as it gets for me it seems.

As always, thanks for the comments/suggestions.

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my specs are a little weaker and I'm cpu-bottlenecked too, but I have fairly the same amount of fps. what are your graphic settings?

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I would buy an aftermarket cooler and overclock it higher if you really want a change in FPS. Other than that, you should be just fine.

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I would buy an aftermarket cooler and overclock it higher if you really want a change in FPS. Other than that, you should be just fine.

This. Overclocking the CPU helps tremendously with DayZ mod's performance. In my case (specs are below), I got 10-15 FPS increase after overclocking my CPU to 3.2 GHZ from 2.6. Though I had to revert back to stock speed since I'm using the Intel E5200 stock cooler at the moment (which works great and gives me 40 idle and 70 load temperatures at stock btw) and not a big fan of using the CPU above 50 celcius at idle and constantly around 85-93 during load. I am trying to get a good CPU cooler as soon as possible to overclock though...

Intel Q6700 @ stock (2.4 GHZ)

Gigabyte X48-DS5

Zotac GTX560 Ti @ stock

4 GB (2x2) A-Data DDR2

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overclocking is always a bit risky, if you don't know how to do it properly

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This. Overclocking the CPU helps tremendously with DayZ mod's performance. In my case (specs are below), I got 10-15 FPS increase after overclocking my CPU to 3.2 GHZ from 2.6. Though I had to revert back to stock speed since I'm using the Intel E5200 stock cooler at the moment (which works great and gives me 40 idle and 70 load temperatures at stock btw) and not a big fan of using the CPU above 50 celcius at idle and constantly around 85-93 during load. I am trying to get a good CPU cooler as soon as possible to overclock though...

Intel Q6700 @ stock (2.4 GHZ)

Gigabyte X48-DS5

Zotac GTX560 Ti @ stock

4 GB (2x2) A-Data DDR2

I would invest in the Cooler Master 212+ if you really need a cheap alternative for an overclocking aftermarket cooler. I've actually seen some people who've gotten up to 4.5GHz on their unlocked chips, with around 42 Idle, 60 on 24/7 stress test. Don't forget to pick up a decent thermal paste though. I found for me that the Arctic Silver 5 worked best for these type of situations. Highest I would recommend going to though is about 4.7, anything more than that only gives you one or two FPS, instead of the 10-15 FPS different you would notice.

overclocking is always a bit risky, if you don't know how to do it properly

It's not too hard if you do it right, all you really need is items that allow you to overclock easily (ASUS Mobo and G.Skill Sniper RAM ftw), along with some nice thermal paste and a good cooler.

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