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hL. Clan Recruiting [International, accepting newbies aswell.]

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Hey there, i'm hL.MrFluffles, leader of the clan. I am looking for exceptional individuals to join up with me and my current roster of clanmates for - ALL FACETS - of this game. We have interest in High End/High Population Pvp, Clan Wars, Youtube Video creation/Skits, 'Serious' tactical raids/sniper camps, casual gaming, etc.

We are accepting all individuals over the age of 18 from any nationality or background.

We are interested in inviduals players, small groups, and even large squads - both public and private to join our team.

If you find yourself interested and you want to know more - please fill out this information and we will get back to you as soon as we can.




Name: Joey

Player Handle: hL.MrFluffles

Age: 25

Location/TimeZone: EST (GMT -5)

ArmA II Experience: Minimal

Day Z Experience: 2 Months in, solo, squad, group pvp.

Preferred Role(s): Field Commander, Squad Leader, Sniper, Counter Sniper, Squad Designated Marksman, Tactical Assault

Preferred Firearm(s): SVD, M24, DMR, Enfield

Preferred Secondary(s): M9 SD, PDW, G17, Revolver

Playstyle: I prefer 'serious' (tactical) play, but enjoy casual play aswell.

Map Knowledge Chernarus: Intimate

Map Knowledge Lingor: Moderate

Map Knowledge Takistan: N/A

Misc Info: I have a background of FPS experience, Clan leading, real world firearm experience, as well as airsoft and paintball.


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Best way to get Lipitor? Shit. Bro, join our clan. We need moar Lipitor.

Bot dumbass

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You took your time to be a prick about something everyone already knows. Congratulations.

--- Oh wait, I think I remember you. I believe we satchel charged your building last night. I could be wrong, but it was hilarious none the less.

Edited by hL.MrFluffles

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name: william

In-game: william/Ezkill

age: 20

location: Gmt/UTC-8

arma 2 experience: Minimal

Dayz experience: Moderate, 4-5 months or so, solo and squad

Preferred roles: Overwatch/sniper or a runner really

Preferred firearms: M24, DMR, M4a1 CCO

Preferred secondary: M1911, M9 SD

Playstyle: Anything goes, squad is my favorite and i will be filming stuff for youtube

Map knowledge Chernaurus: Like the back of my hand

Map knowledge Lingor: played it for like 4 hours

dont know either of the others well at all

misc info: ive applied at multiple clans and am looking for a group i can work well with, play all consoles and like killing bandits :D but thats about it

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name: william

In-game: william/Ezkill

age: 20

location: Gmt/UTC-8

arma 2 experience: Minimal

Dayz experience: Moderate, 4-5 months or so, solo and squad

Preferred roles: Overwatch/sniper or a runner really

Preferred firearms: M24, DMR, M4a1 CCO

Preferred secondary: M1911, M9 SD

Playstyle: Anything goes, squad is my favorite and i will be filming stuff for youtube

Map knowledge Chernaurus: Like the back of my hand

Map knowledge Lingor: played it for like 4 hours

dont know either of the others well at all

misc info: ive applied at multiple clans and am looking for a group i can work well with, play all consoles and like killing bandits :D but thats about it

I am going to need you to pm me your skype name so we can interview you over skype.

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name: Joseph

in game: ingoelite

age: 19

location: Canada / UTC -400

Arma 2 experience: minimal

Dayz Experience: minimal / moderate - around 3-4 months of play time

Preferred Roles: Sniper / counter sniper.

Preferred Firearms: m14 AIM, DMR, AS50.

Preferred Sidearm: G17, M9SD

Play style: ive been solo for almost my whole playtime, but like the idea of group play, like to kill kill kill.

Map Knowledge Chernaurus: can move through most of it without map / compass

Map Knowledge Lingor: know about it, never played it

Mics Info: like said above i play alot of slol, never been in a real clan / group, i play on some private servers but my public toon is decked out so thats were you will get most benifit from me is public servers. also have TS3 / TS2 / Vent / mumble / so give me the info and we can talk if you like.

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