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Bombolz (DayZ)

Question about blood

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I wouldn't exactly call myself a new player but I didn't know where else to Put this question. Anyway, I know that eating food heals you a small amount. (wiki states - 200 for canned food and 800 to cooked meat). Now I know we have 12000 blood, so can I gulf down 5 cooked meats at once or do I have to wait a certain time before another heals me. What I'm trying to say is will eating 5 cooked meats in a short duration (let's say 20 seconds) heal me for the full amount (4000 blood)? Or do I need to eat one every 10-20 minutes or so? Can someone explain to me how this works?

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Just turn your Debug on then take it slowly, i think you can just wolf them down but i just take my time with them and wait for it to add 800 lol

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You can just wolf them down. I've eaten an entire cow in about 10 seconds on several occasions.

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Yes you can, it takes about 1 second after they are consumed for the blood to add, but it will be added no matter how fast you are eating.

You should really use that in dangerous situations. For example if you have been shot or w/e, your blood is flashing and you are bleeding the best thing to do is eat a couple of steaks and THEN bandage yourself because bandaging takes some time and you need extra blood fast, especially if you are below 3000 blood in which case there's a chance you pass out while bandaging, which will most likely end up killing you.

So, always consume meat BEFORE bandaging when your blood indicator is red or flashing.

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Is the blood stream, coming out of a body, are just there where your bullet hits the player body?

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