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Searching for Survival Partner

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I am located in the countryside not far from Elektro. I have been looting and foraging the town for a while on my own now and have some decent gear. Too many close calls with bandits and the odd close shave with Zeds has given me cause to ask for a survivor comrade. If you are near Elektro and looking for a good partner, read on. I am online now as of Thursday June 14th, 1800.

Nothing is more important than my own continued survival.

Our bond with each other is nothing more than a mutually beneficial arrangement so that we increase our odds of survival.

If you do anything to decrease my odds of survival, I will abandon you at the first opportunity.

You like making noise and fast movements around Zeds? I abandon you. You like getting into unneccassary fire fights?, I tuck tail and run. You take the wrong risks at the wrong times? Sorry, you're on you're own.

If you threaten me verbally or physically or in any way seem untrustworthy, sneaky and conniving. I will shoot you dead without remorse.

I would expect no less from you. If you understand this, then we can have a productive partnership.

What do you get out of the arrangement? Do I seem unfriendly? I assure you I am not, just understand this, NOTHING is more important than my own continued survival, if your own survival is of paramount importance to you, then you understand.

I am neither friendly nor a bandit/killer. I have killed before, usually in self defence, some were reflex actions made in a split second when an unfortunate guy surprised me, I can't take any chances. I do not stalk and hunt human prey. I tend to avoid contact if possible.

Will I be friendly to you? of course. Provided that you increase my odds of survival and that you allow me to increase your odds of survival.

I have been surviving on my own for a few days now, I have all the gear needed to live off the land away from major population centres. I am well armed, and have a tent ready to set up at a location of our choice.

I want you to be smart, tactical, skillful and above all else place your own survival above all else. I am also looking for proof of your good nature and commitment. So be prepared for a task as a token of your good will.

If you can do this for me and you share my mindset, then I look forward to hearing from you.

I am not interested in clans or large zombie magnet groups, I just want a guy to watch my back when I turn it, not shoot me in it, I will do the same for him.

EU/UK time zones, to play in the evening.

Respond here with your interest and I'll PM you. Have your skype ready.

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I am in the woods near nadezhdino now, it wouldn't be more than 20 minutes to reach your place and by the way i have already found another dude on this Forum to play with, if you want to play together add Isaac Meowton on steam and we have the same time zone so far so it would be cool.

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