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[US] Looking for a mature squad of 2+

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Hey I am Tyler and I am looking for a squad to play with, I am looking for a US based squad to spend my DayZ life with (haha) I will post more detail below, p.s. I am NOT a bandit.

About me.

Age: 16 (mature)

Skype: Yes

TS3: Yes

Good Connection: Yes

Good Mic: Yes

Experienced player: Yes

Please send me a PM or add me on steam if you want me to be a part of your squad! :D

- http://steamcommunity.com/id/tyl3r684

Edited by Tyl3r684

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It's now 8:30 anyone? I am in Komarovo and ready to kill! muhahah. (kill zed of course)

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Might catch you tomorrow. I'll be up around the NE airfield when I log on. Will be around 6 pm central time.

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