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Lingor location saving issue

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So when I log out on a lingor server I play on (US 1992 Lingor), sometimes I log back in in the same spot I logged out at in, but most of the time I log back in and I'm moved to where a fresh spawn would have been aka logged out at FOB Eddie get spawned in Chupinka. But I don'tclose any of my gear so its not like I was killed while logging in its just that the hive isn't saving my location. Is there a fix for this somewhere? If yes I will let the server mods know so they can fix this problem and our regular players can have a better time enjoying the game.

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The area between the prison and FOB Eddie is apparently some kind of debug area.

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And I think you're absolutely right about this. I've done some testing myself and I haven't been spawned on the coast since I left that area. Thanks alot! (Still need to figure out how to get the admins to fix this issue.....)

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