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Bandit only server

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I have just started up a new private hive password protected server, the reason for this is to get away from everyone on the server having AS50 Rangefinders and NVG's I want a more legit style of play with no duping or hacking. I also want it to be a 'bandit' server meaning everyone on the server is a bandit and will shoot on sight; this will hopefully provide for a more interesting game as it will make surviving much more difficult you won't just be able to run around the map free from harm cause there will always be someone on the lookout to kill you and steal your gear. Me and a group o friends play as a 'team' and we believe if there is multiple teams on the server it will make for long, hard combat and rivalry will start to form making the game more enjoyable and more to play for in my opinion.

I have the vehicles set to 30 and we only control 2 and no helicopter to give other people a chance. We play on veteran difficulty and it is a English based server. Side channel will be on but english speaking only and use of mic over the side channel is not aloud. It Is up 24/7 with very active admins.

If you reply to this post, inbox me or add my skype (william.cullum) and tell me why you want to join, if you're on your own or in a team and then how long you've been playing (if you're a noob or not) then I can give you the password to the server however if someone comes on I haven't given the server password to they will be instantly banned.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see some teams soon. William.

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Passworded servers are very hard to keep populated as most people just cant be bothered signing up because putting a password on a server doesn't stop hackers joining, it could even be said the the challenge of ruining the day of a closed community would entice hackers to sign up. Its also just not fun to be a bandit all the time it would boring as hell to shoot everyone on site and if this were the case it would be counter productive to building friendships, alliances and communities. I'm more than happy to be proven wrong so please continue to post on the progression of your server best of luck with it.

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Passworded servers are very hard to keep populated as most people just cant be bothered signing up because putting a password on a server doesn't stop hackers joining, it could even be said the the challenge of ruining the day of a closed community would entice hackers to sign up. Its also just not fun to be a bandit all the time it would boring as hell to shoot everyone on site and if this were the case it would be counter productive to building friendships, alliances and communities. I'm more than happy to be proven wrong so please continue to post on the progression of your server best of luck with it.

For all the reasons you just mentioned were all of the reasons I chose not to have a whitelist style signup for my server. Some people manage it fine I guess but the pros hardly outweighed the cons.

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ummm you just said everyone is a bandit and should be expected to shoot on sight.

then you said "me and my team", so its not really any different then any other server is it ???

if you want a true bandit only server then there should be no teaming up and everyone is out for themselves.

now that would truely make living hard/dangerous.

personaly all i see but what ur setting up on this server is a team play server only. as a lone player your basicly fuked.

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ummm you just said everyone is a bandit and should be expected to shoot on sight.

then you said "me and my team", so its not really any different then any other server is it ???

if you want a true bandit only server then there should be no teaming up and everyone is out for themselves.

now that would truely make living hard/dangerous.

personaly all i see but what ur setting up on this server is a team play server only. as a lone player your basicly fuked.

Bandits can team up if they want and team v team would be good and is kind of what i'm aiming at as a lot of people find playing on there own boring. But if you don't think you can survive on your own the fine. But you don't really have to tell me that you could just leave the post.

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