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Dexter Bandit

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So i have recently become sick and tired of being a solo friendly player and getting shot up by every noob bandit out there. Thats why im now becoming "Dexter" yes from the TV show, basically i will go around killing all the stupid bandits that pray on the friendly players out there that are trying to play the game right.

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Teehee! Good luck, buddeh! I'm sure you'll be JUST as successful as those that have claimed the same before you...

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Teehee! Good luck, buddeh! I'm sure you'll be JUST as successful as those that have claimed the same before you...

that's actually what the group I am part of does, hunts bandits, helps friendlies, and thrive. We do all three pretty well, although we enjoy the first the most.

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that's actually what the group I am part of does, hunts bandits, helps friendlies, and thrive. We do all three pretty well, although we enjoy the first the most.

I will put it simple. If you hold onto being honorable, you are of a rare breed.

For everyone else it is merely a phase. Soon this guy will get bored of killing bandits and will start killing everyone, then will become an Elektro as50 sniper, then a countersniper, then a troll, then you start chasing people around playing safety dance and the bee gees over direct.

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