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Dayz Private Friendly HIVE 82+ Vehicles (Steam Community) (White-Listed) (TeamSpeak 3)

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On another note, I was one of the players who joined your {rmod} server when our two clans met. It was great fun and we invited you "Moose12" and the rest of the members to our server. Based on the openness of information we provided to you about how we operate and the invitation you received to be apart of something that is going to be great, you guys have no grounds to complain about the outcome of one engagement with us on our server. I was not involved with the PvP that happened on our server, but I can certainly verify that I was in TeamSpeak or for those of you who don't know "TS" when this engagement happened and there was certainly no foul play on our part. I mean shoot, even the owner gave you credit for killing him. Yes you were out numbered and yes one person "The Owner" had some good gear, but how many of you died? Oooo that's right one, and then you guys moan and groan and complain about abuse or teleportation, how about the vulgar language and childish attitude you guys pulled on our teamspeak, maybe that is why you got Banned.


Wiked Bubble

Co Founder for The Dysfunctional Soldiers.


"Moose12". How do you like my spelling and grammar?

Edited by Wiked Bubble

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Just because we are ten thousand times more high speed than your "Kill3r Kr3w", doesn't mean you have to get all butthurt.

Nobody is teleporting, Ninja does not spawn gear for people in TS except when we are having a weekend event and are blowing the shit out of each other.

If you want a loadout, donate. If you don't like how we do business, leave.

It's that simple.

Edited by TheSalamander

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Lol at inception comparing a single misspelled word to a consist incorrect use of a grammatical rule taught in the 3rd grade at a us public school.

Also you keep identifying spawning in with the most op weapon in the game (banned for months on the hive and by every server admin worth his salt) to "some good gear". You can in fact teleport anyone anywhere but alas I can't prove it w/o access to your logs.

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Lol at inception comparing a single misspelled word to a consist incorrect use of a grammatical rule taught in the 3rd grade at a us public school.

Also you keep identifying spawning in with the most op weapon in the game (banned for months on the hive and by every server admin worth his salt) to "some good gear". You can in fact teleport anyone anywhere but alas I can't prove it w/o access to your logs.

Don't let my dick hit you on the nose on the way out.

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God moose are you still talking about this NOBODY cares Shut the hell up, nobody cheated and we all found out you are whining little boy.

The END. >_>

Edited by SmokingAir

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Admin abuse is cheating. Its black and white bro.

Your admin should have told you this server provides customized loadouts to donators when you came in. He knew about it, ask him. Just because you weren't told and were too dumb to either look at the admin ticker in sidechat or check the forums does not mean that "admin abuse" took place (a highly subjective term anyway).

Only a poor marksman blames his failures on his gear. You had every chance to get out of that castle, but you stayed there and let an 8 man squad hand you your ass on a silver platter.

I don't know why you're even bitching, "bro", you're not on the whitelist anymore so it's not like you're going to have to worry about a D/S fireteam reearranging your shit anytime soon.

Edited by TheSalamander

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Admin ticker in side chat didnt say "I spawn w/ an as50 tws... a thermal 50 cal with a range of 1600 meters" and I can freely spawn where ever I want (whether you say you did it or not). We werent in a castle. You banned us before you beat us. I did tell them that you CAN do custom load outs. But that doesnt mean you did so for yourself w/ OP weps. Which as I said are banned on almost every other server. No one ever actually told me "Btw bro i spawn with an as50 tws and i can spawn wherever I want so you better watch out bro". It was "Oh yeah we can do custom loadouts". How thick are you? Are you not understanding the what im saying? Spawning yourself in with overpowered gear IS admin abuse. End. Of. Story.

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Your a moron.

I never spawned my self in where ever i wanted.

I spawned legitly right near where we was all fighting. AND I told your lieing dumb ass self that I was trying out custom loadouts and was trying out some of the banned gear. I told you about the as50. And you dident seem to care when I was talking about giving it to you on your own server....... BUT as soon as you get killed by it you rage and cry like some pathetic little kid. Even your OWN GROUP said that you cry and rage alot LMAO! When I was explaining that I banned you all from the shit you (moose) was doing and saying they all said yea thats moose he does that alot.... YOU complete dumb shit.... Crying admin abuse. WHEN there was no admin abuse at all... YOU are the only person to be killed by me and my as50. I only had it that night trying out custom loadouts and was having some fun with my group before you started to be a big shot and give other players shit and than start to kill everyone you saw/found.

YOUR whole group is a bunch of trash talking bandits and they even admitted it..

So you would of been banned anyways. But the fact that you failed to mention to the rest of your group about the stuff you knew and I told you shows what kind of admin you are.

And than when they find out the hard way you act all surprised.. Start to rage to us on our TS... than you go offline after getting upset cause you got killed by a as50 tws.. Boohoo go cry to your mother and the rest of your boy scouts. Your a big baby..... I know plenty of servers that have the banned gear adding to the spawn tables to be found in game...

You need to let your balls drop..

Stop sucking your thumb and move on child.

Simple as that.

We are done with this...

Can a admin please delete/close this thread

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You never told me that everytime you spawn its with a tws. You tried to get us to rent one of your servers. You tried and so did your members to solicit us to rent one of your servers. I never once showed any real interest in doing so. You can sit here and say what ever you want. You can "you mad bitch" spam me all you want but your a clown. Make up all the lies you want to make up for your insecurity but in the end ur an admin abusing twat and you know it. Your no better then any other skiddie out there.

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You never told me that everytime you spawn its with a tws. You tried to get us to rent one of your servers. You tried and so did your members to solicit us to rent one of your servers. I never once showed any real interest in doing so. You can sit here and say what ever you want. You can "you mad bitch" spam me all you want but your a clown. Make up all the lies you want to make up for your insecurity but in the end ur an admin abusing twat and you know it. Your no better then any other skiddie out there.

And I'm sure that stinging moral indictment will keep us awake long into the night... (not)

Edited by TheSalamander

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