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Skills / Class system would fix teamwork and comradery which is serverly lacking at the moment

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Being able to do everything by yourself is not only unrealistic but it also removes incentive to work together with others rather than just shoot on sight and steal.Most people have never changed a tire in their life and would sure as hell not have the skills to fix a broken car. A bandage would at best only serve as a temporary solution to bullet wounds and serious injuries, and without professional medical attention you would end up dying soon enough.

A class system or skill system would give people something to work towards and a lot of real benefits to co-operating with others. Someone may be a skilled mechanic, and could repair your car, or repair your weapons and equipment. Others may have medical training and could nurse you back to health or cure your diseases and infections. Perhaps you would need medical skills in order to identify which pills do what. Realistically.. if you find a bottle of pills with some obscure medical name... how would you even know what they are used for unless you have some medical knowledge?

As you use your skills, you would gain more of them. Eventually you could build compasses, draw maps, make backpacks, build radios, fix cars, modify cars (more fuel, faster speeds, better tires, etc). Groups of people could combine their skills and resources to build structures, such as sandbag bunkers, metal chests that can be used to safely store equipment, weapons, ammo, etc. This would give players that are willing to work together real advantages for doing so, which currently do not exist in the game. It's simply more advantageous to shoot someone on site and steal all their stuff than trying to communicate with them and work together.

People could then form around bands of survivors and the focus of PvP would then change more to group vs group rather than some moron with a sniper rifle camping a hill.

Edited by SpeedyBanana
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