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Lingor Badlands Team Vs Team (Private Lingor Server) (Whitelist)[Recruiting Clans + Players]

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After playing some on this map, It's pretty awesome, all that is left is more people :)

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Bump. Its pretty cool. for the last 24 hours theres been 7 people in server at almost all times lmao.

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considering renaming the server to lingor deadland tvt.

Added Rmod btw, so everyone now has to install that too.

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we've renamed our server and site to Lingor Badlands TvT. I like the feel of it a lot more.

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a little bit of Monica in my life

a little bit of Erica by my side

a little bit of Rita is all I need

a little bit of Tina is what I see

a little bit of Sandra in the sun

a little bit of Mary all night long

a little bit of Jessica here I am

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good news, we have a new clan taking over the main faction. Hoping that it works out well with the 21st

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k. the new faction is setting up pretty well, and the timezone is fixed (finally.) time to find another.

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WE NEED MOAR FACTIONS for the fighting and the shooting and the pshoo-pshoo-pshoo

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Hey guys, you folks still interested members? Seems like a fantastic idea, while I'm a long time DayZ/ARMA play I've recently taken a break... So looking to get back in. I'll even help out the 21st Bat. since you guys have hardly any members. Good luck!

Skype: Ezra Ngo

If you'd like to get into contact with me

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