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Lingor Badlands Team Vs Team (Private Lingor Server) (Whitelist)[Recruiting Clans + Players]

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I've been thinking on attempting to form a trade faction. If existing factions agree to it, and if King Scuba allows for it, I'd like to procure a Ural/VS3 as well as one or two other, lesser value vehicles like a Gaz or an Old Hatchback. I'd then make runs between different factions, procuring various needed supplies in barter trade for other supplies that different factions need. Possibly even provide transport.

Still thinking it over, though. Might not be much need for a Trader's Faction.

Also, for some reason I'm completely unable to place any tents. This is unfortunate, because my inventory is completely full and I need to store away what I have before venturing back out into the wastes for more supplies. It's sort of bumming me out.

We've placed tents just fine, not sure why you cant. Also, there are to be no mini factions as of yet, and the ural isnt even spawned.

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Also, there are to be no mini factions as of yet, and the ural isnt even spawned.

Just doing some out loud thinking, is all. Don't know if I'll go through with it or not, but it's out there in case other people want to throw support behind it or plan around it.

Edit. Still can't get my tent placed, even though I spent a good half hour running around and trying to get it down in whatever spot looked like it would be fine. Absolutely nothing to show for it.

Edited by Kajin

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Just doing some out loud thinking, is all. Don't know if I'll go through with it or not, but it's out there in case other people want to throw support behind it or plan around it.

Edit. Still can't get my tent placed, even though I spent a good half hour running around and trying to get it down in whatever spot looked like it would be fine. Absolutely nothing to show for it.

we placed our tents in a building area that was surrounded by walls. maybe that will help?

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won't be until the southern faction is settled. The more you help the faster you'll get your faction :]

Edited by King Scuba

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Servers been up a couple of days .

Let's get some the two main groups active and established then we can start other groups.

Ideally at some point a fresh spawn or new player could go to safe zone, gear up and be ready for an op in under 10 minutes. Let's use these opening days to get set up.

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Just doing some out loud thinking, is all. Don't know if I'll go through with it or not, but it's out there in case other people want to throw support behind it or plan around it.

Edit. Still can't get my tent placed, even though I spent a good half hour running around and trying to get it down in whatever spot looked like it would be fine. Absolutely nothing to show for it.

To place tents you have to first open your inventory "While crouched. Right click on the tent, "Do not click place tent" now start backing up then click "Place tent"

Hope that helps...

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im guessing i request white list here? Your Pm just linked to the main dayz forum page. name in game is Bliz just like here

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what are you talking about bliz? I gave you the server ip, name, and pass, along with the ts ip o.o"

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what are you talking about bliz? I gave you the server ip, name, and pass, along with the ts ip o.o"

I know you did but in the same pm you said "Get Whitelisted @ http://dayzmod.com/forum" so you had me thinking there was another step or something lol...allready been on server and ts so i guess we all good lol. It was 5 in the morning thats what i get for posting that early :)

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sent access back. added to list.

Just a quick update, the LR faction is taking over the Prison area for today. Tomorrow it reverts back to being the South factions turf. and so on. We're well on our way to an official open.

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I would like to give it a shot as well if you don't mind. =) I use teh same Teamspeak as Urshak, so it would be nice if we could be put together.

Edited by Ratiasu

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da faq?

Ah. i thought you were moddnz, didn't look at your name lmao. You need to PM me for asap gratification rofl

Edited by King Scuba

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we're still having several crashing issues. I think i'm going to be forced to wipe the server and backtrack to an old beta.... If we do that, I'd be giving everyone the tent on spawn to fast track our way though.

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Can I get whitelisted?

Edit: Nevermind, forgot you PM'd me the password

Edited by TwesT

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we're still having several crashing issues. I think i'm going to be forced to wipe the server and backtrack to an old beta.... If we do that, I'd be giving everyone the tent on spawn to fast track our way though.


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