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Lingor Badlands Team Vs Team (Private Lingor Server) (Whitelist)[Recruiting Clans + Players]

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Lingor Badlands Team Vs Team Warfare Server


(don't let this fool you, the server IS up.)

:: Key points of my server ::

Large Scale Warfare between the two main factions

Multiple wars happening in the small factions that can carry over to the large factions

Trade Faction that will have unique weapons via Database (Example: G36c SD, SCAR, etc etc)

Safe Tents (You are NOT allowed to poke around inside of other factions tents.)

Set Vehicle limits to make them accessible but scarce

Admin inspired events (Racing, Town DMs, ETC)

Role playing is desirable and welcome

Private Lingor Hive


Welcome to the Lingor Badlands TvT server. Basically, there are 2 main factions that must compete for supplies, along with several minor factions. This isn't your typical Rambo hide and seek DayZ server. You need to rely on your faction to play. Your faction base will be a safety zone, a place to chill, gather, trade, and horde. I will not tolerate random acts of Rambo ism in my server. This is NOT to say I will not condone violence. This is war, after all, but you must go at it in a logical sense. PM me with an introduction to you, your goals and whatever else you want to tell me. I'll PM you back with the password, TS server, and such. it goes without saying do NOT hand out the password. You are also REQUIRED to use our clan forum for various communication issues (car crashes, car parking, flight rights, tent placement, ETC.) If cars keep disappearing, I will be issuing out Driving rights. Our forums are located at http://lingorbadlands.enjin.com/forum

We run on a Private Hive, and so far it's been a very smooth experience. There are currently 25 odd vehicles in the server, but I can jack them up to 100+. I will NOT be doing this unless I'm forced to. Vehicles need to be a resource that's a bit harder to get, but accessible. Lingor is a pretty small Island, so 25 is great number at the moment. Our server is located in North Carolina, USA.

To start with, each of the main factions will have their own base. The west is called for Southern. the Northwest is called [LR] for Last Resistance. You are not allowed to attack or raid these bases unless special circumstances are met. This is a safe zone for your faction. The minor factions, however, have no true safe zone.

Smaller factions, such as Medics, Traders, Transporters, Mercenary Groups, ETC will take residence in a city. These minor factions will be able to fight and take control of other city states, but cannot own more than 1 as a base of operations. A Minor factions main goal will be to procure a City state or establish themselves in a certain trade.

This server is a Vanilla Lingor DayZ private hive hosted in the USA by HFB at the moment.. Down the line, if this gets big, I'll run it off my own rig + connection [i have a little monster that can easily do it.] so I can begin screwing with scripts and such so I can make this a one of a kind experience. For now, I can only moderate the piss out of this server. Any ideas/suggestions will always be welcome warmly guys

Apply To Join My Server Here

If you want to join us, throw an application here : http://lingorbadland...com/recruitment If you don't fill out an application telling me what faction you want to be in, you won't receive a tag, hence you won't receive server information.

Once your application is submitted, I'll give you the proper user tag for the forum, then you can see the proper sub forum for your faction, with the server connection and base location info stickied at the top.

Minor Factions MUST be approved by me.

Minor factions are welcomed in my server. If you and your clan want to settle in and show you're supreme, bring it. You'll need to go through a few steps if you're going to create a minor faction. I'm looking for many different factions. For example - A police force, A medical Squad, Merc Squads, Scavenger Groups, Zombie Hunters, Gladiators, Bandits, ETC. The list is only limited to your imagination and persuasion powers.

1) How many people will be in your minor faction

- - I would recommend a minimum of 3 players.

2) The name of your Minor Faction

- - You also need to submit your tags that MUST be worn in game.

3) Your intended purpose

- - What is your faction going to do?

4) Where your faction will set up.


Current Factions and Leaders

21st Battalion [21B]

Main Faction

[21B] Kris

Current Active Player Count : 18

Southern Faction

Main Faction

[GM] Scuba (Faction Leader) (Pilot)

Current Active Player Count : 7

Legion of the Apocalypse [LoA]

Minor Faction [52 : 36]

[LoA] Chaos(Leader)

Main Function : Mercenary

Current Active Player Count : 4

San Arulco Trade Federation [$ATF]

Minor Faction [39 : 42]

[$ATF] aduff(Leader)

Main Function : Trade

Current Active Player Count : 4

Last Resistance [LR]

Minor Faction


Main Function : Unknown

Current Active Player Count : ??

Omen Squad / O.Squad|

Minor Faction

(Not Recruiting)


Main Function : Bandit

Current Active Player Count : 3

Faction Safety Zones

You are NOT allowed to enter the enemy factions territory UNLESS you are invited in by the faction or squad leader! You cannot steal cars, loot, or ANYTHING ELSE. If you happen to spawn there after a death, you are EXPECTED to tell the enemy faction that you're in their base, and leave IMMEDIATELY. do not stop to loot anything, just get out. If you see someone entering your base that isn't your guy, kill him, and take a screenshot so I can ban his GUID.

Hostage Situations and Robbery

Grit your teeth and bare it. I'd love to see some hostage situations and robbing. More to come if needed.

Revolution and Coup d'état

If your underlings decide you or your faction isn't right for leading, they can call a Revolution or a Coup on you.

A revolution can happen if a minor faction with a minimum of 10 players declare a Revolution on you. This is a move to replace the main faction with a minor faction. This will then turn into a 2 City state war. The City state will be chosen by the Current Main faction, and will proceed like a normal City state war. There will be several skirmishes for the outer towns, and then proceed into the City State battle.

If your underling(s) aren't happy with your leadership abilities, they can call a Coup on you. This will be whoever backs you vs whoever backs the other player. The leader of the winning side is the new Faction leader, and they can then kick the losing faction member(s) off their faction roster.

Server Rules

Breaking ANY of these rules will result in a BAN. I'm fair, and will judge each case as it comes, but if you're here just to be a douche, you'll be ejected and added to our wall of Shame.

Common Rules

1) Do not kill for the sake of killing. There's a ton of other dayz servers to satisfy this. Killing IS fine, but use your judgement or ask me if you're unclear. Try to avoid KOS

2) Do not Hack (duh.)

3) Do not Battle Log.

4) No Racism, Trolling, or otherwise being a moron.

5) You must be in our teamspeak while in our server, mic or not. This is the best method I know of to combat DM'ing and promote RPG elements. If you don't want to use our TS don't join our Server.

6) No Spying

- - We'll have enough drama to contend with if the server does what I want. There's no room for this bullsht.

7) You are required to use our forums. http://lingorbadlands.enjin.com/forum

Faction Safe Zone Rules

1) You are NOT allowed to enter an enemy faction base unless

- - You have permission from the enemy faction leader

- - You are a new spawn and it happens.

- - - - You are EXPECTED to tell the enemy faction that you are in their base if you spawn there after death.

2) You are NOT allowed to shoot at or in an enemy factions Safe Zone

3) You ARE allowed to shoot from your own base at enemy players

Tent And Vehicle Rules

1) Vehicles are FREE game outside of the base.

2) Do not Bank rape your team.

3) Be reasonable with what you take from the faction tents.

4) Faction tents are NOT to be looted

- - Inside of the grid box listed underneath the faction names are a couple tents that are NOT to be looted.

- - If the tent is in a grid box NOT listed, it is free game.

Revolution and Coup Rules

1) All revolutions must be ok'd by me. The War will then turn into a war like taking over a City State. All the minor towns must be requisitioned first.

- - There must be a minimum of 10 players in the Minor faction to declare a revolution

- - The battle will be much like a city state battle.

2) Coups will be staged in the City State Maruko or Calamar.

- - All resistance coup members must be escorted off the main factions Island and left in Maruko or Calamar.

- - - - No killing is allowed during the escorts.

- - There will be a 24 hour notice before the battle.

- - This will conduct in a City state chosen by the Current faction leader.

- - No Team balancing. If you're backed, you're backed.

- - Loser will be at the Victors mercy.

- - - - No hard feelings. Don't fk the server because you got ousted.

Edited by King Scuba
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I'm looking forward to this game. Where do I sign up?

Edited by Kajin

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This sounds fun, if I can get the regular LR information, I have yet to be contacted since getting accepted, I would love to get my hands in on this.

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server is up and gone. All players will have to join the southern faction for now, unless I can attract a large group to move on in.

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Can't wait to play this. Once I get my Bad CD key error straightened out I'll get on. Still waiting to hear back from Bistudio.

As for the Southern faction, you guys have any ideas for a name?

@Scuba any chance on a separate forum for the server?

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I'm assuming we're not allowed to go into each other's territory for the time being?

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Sounds like a fun project.

Good luck enforcing those rules. You are going to have your hands full. :)

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I'm assuming we're not allowed to go into each other's territory for the time being?

Nope. Until the 2 main factions are established there will be no warring, turf attacking, ETC. You have more than enough on your side of the map to be happy.

Hey i would love to get in on this where do i sign up?

Yer supposed to read the big yellow letters in the first paragraph ;]

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great idea .the only thing is that the zombies would get in the way.

That tends to happen in the Zombie Apocolypse :)

Come on down. Some of us have already moved in to our new home in the South.

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I know I have. I've already raided some military sites and gotten some sweet gear. I've also already gotten into a fight with a glitched zombie. Popped right up through the floor and punched me in the face hard enough to knock me right out, even though I was at full health. Thankfully it got stuck in a wall right after it popped out of the ground, so it didn't eat me while I was out.

Now I need a bloodbag though, cause I'm at a little less than half health.

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ended up running a fever and sleeping for 24 hours straight today. SO that's why there's been no word or communication from me. Woke up to 24 pm's in my box though. made me pretty happy. Updated the list.

Kobayashi are you LR or S btw?

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I'm assuming we're not allowed to go into each other's territory for the time being?

correct. Trespassing will get you banned.

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If a heli is found i'm willing to trade for its location. Thinking about a medical faction...

Edited by Extinction71

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If a heli is found i'm willing to trade for its location. Thinking about a medical faction...

working on it

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I've been thinking on attempting to form a trade faction. If existing factions agree to it, and if King Scuba allows for it, I'd like to procure a Ural/VS3 as well as one or two other, lesser value vehicles like a Gaz or an Old Hatchback. I'd then make runs between different factions, procuring various needed supplies in barter trade for other supplies that different factions need. Possibly even provide transport.

Still thinking it over, though. Might not be much need for a Trader's Faction.

Also, for some reason I'm completely unable to place any tents. This is unfortunate, because my inventory is completely full and I need to store away what I have before venturing back out into the wastes for more supplies. It's sort of bumming me out.

Edited by Kajin

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