Brinkk 0 Posted September 30, 2012 HeyMy server that i started some days ago have 1 small prob, there's no chopper that ive seen (other vehicles have spawned). Is there any way to spawn in a chopper manually?Thanks for reading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Welch (DayZ) 756 Posted September 30, 2012 Have you searched all the possible spawns? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byrdman 17 Posted September 30, 2012 Mine is the same way...been checking all spawns for a week now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calinthor 5 Posted September 30, 2012 If this is a private server, then just add a record in the objects (or whatever name is of your table that has vehicles and objects) for the huey. You will need coordinates, and if you want it to be damaged you'll have to add damage points.example of entry for a sanctuary/saintly server entry:'606', '79', '[97,[13441.5,2782.33,-0.0587497]]', '[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]]', '[["glass1",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1],["glass4",1],["glass5",1],["motor",1],["elektronika",1],["mala vrtule",1],["velka vrtule",1]]', '0', '0', 'UH1H_DZ', '0', '1', '2012-09-30 11:59:45'606 = unique record (auto increment), 97 = "id" from spawn table, position, inventory, damage, fuel, damage amount, class, owner, instance, lastupdate.That will spawn a huey on Skalisty Island in the middle of the little fishing village.I don't know what your table structure is, so I can't give you the exact entry to use for it. Also, you might want to check your code for making vehicles. it's most likely the percentage chance of spawning is so low you may not see a huey added for some time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calinthor 5 Posted September 30, 2012 If you guys can post what version of private server you are using, and check your vehicle spawn code; it would help to troubleshoot problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brinkk 0 Posted September 30, 2012 On 9/30/2012 at 7:30 PM, Welch said: Have you searched all the possible spawns?Yeah, all the possible spawns that exists in public, on this script the spawns maybe differ But how do people get like 5 choppers in private's? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poxyz 23 Posted September 30, 2012 Who is your host brink?If you are using HFB or Vilayer you should have access to the RPT report and you can see if the UH1H is on your server. (Should be under Blss) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 13 Posted September 30, 2012 One way I've found that works is to stop the server, lower your vehicle spawns down to 1, restart the server, stop the server, and then raise it to whatever rate you want. You should get a helo or 2 that way. This works for Vilayer, so if you have something else, I can't tell you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brinkk 0 Posted September 30, 2012 On 9/30/2012 at 7:56 PM, Poxyz said: Who is your host brink?If you are using HFB or Vilayer you should have access to the RPT report and you can see if the UH1H is on your server. (Should be under Blss)! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brinkk 0 Posted September 30, 2012 (edited) Looks like this> Files Edited September 30, 2012 by Brinkk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calinthor 5 Posted September 30, 2012 (edited) Looks like you're running "Bliss" server based on Guru Abdul's Sanctuary Server. The file "" has the code to spawn in vehicles. look in that file and see if you can find the huey code:#!/usr/bin/perl -wuse warnings;use POSIX;use DBI;use DBD::mysql;use Getopt::Long;use List::Util qw(min max);print "INFO: Started vehicle insertion.\n";my %args = ();GetOptions( \%args, 'instance|index|i=s', 'hostname|host|dbhost|h=s', 'username|user|dbuser|u=s', 'password|pass|dbpass|p=s', 'database|name|dbname|d=s', 'port|dbport=s', 'world|map|w|m=s', 'limit|l=s', 'cleanup', 'help');my %db = ( 'host' => $args{'hostname'} ? $args{'hostname'} : 'localhost', 'instance' => $args{'instance'} ? $args{'instance'} : '1', 'limit' => $args{'limit'} ? $args{'limit'} : '500', 'user' => $args{'username'} ? $args{'username'} : 'dayz', 'pass' => $args{'password'} ? $args{'password'} : 'dayz', 'name' => $args{'database'} ? $args{'database'} : 'dayz', 'port' => $args{'port'} ? $args{'port'} : '3306', 'world' => $args{'world'} ? $args{'world'} : 'chernarus');if ($args{'help'}) { print "usage: [--instance <id>] [--world <chernarus|lingor>] [--limit <limit>] [--host <hostname>] [--user <username>] [--pass <password>] [--name <dbname>] [--port <port>]\n"; exit;}print "INFO: Connecting to $db{'host'}:$db{'name'} as user $db{'user'}\n";print "INFO: Instance name dayz_$db{'instance'}.$db{'world'} \n";# Connect to MySQLmy $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:mysql:$db{'name'}:$db{'host'}:$db{'port'}", $db{'user'}, $db{'pass'}) or die "FATAL: Could not connect to MySQL - " . DBI->errstr . "\n";print "INFO: Cleaning up damaged vehicles\n";# Clean up damaged vehicles and old objectsmy $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<EndSQLDELETE FROM objectsWHERE damage >= 0.95 OR (otype = 'Wire_cat1' and lastupdate < now() - interval 3 day) OR (otype = 'Hedgehog_DZ' and lastupdate < now() - interval 4 day) OR (otype = 'TrapBear' and lastupdate < now() - interval 5 day) OR (otype = 'Sandbag1_DZ' and lastupdate < now() - interval 8 day)EndSQL) or die "FATAL: SQL Error - " . DBI->errstr . "\n";$sth->execute() or die "FATAL: Could not clean up damaged/old objects - " . $sth->errstr . "\n";$sth = $dbh->prepare(<<EndSQLDELETE FROM objects USING objects INNER JOIN survivor on objects.oid = and survivor.is_dead = 1WHERE objects.otype = 'TentStorage' AND objects.lastupdate < now() - interval 4 dayEndSQL) or die "FATAL: SQL Error - " . DBI->errstr . "\n";$sth->execute() or die "FATAL: Could not clean up damaged/old objects - " . $sth->errstr . "\n";#Remove out-of-bounds vehiclesif ($args{'cleanup'}) { print "INFO: Starting boundary check for objects\n"; $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id,pos from objects"); $sth->execute() or die "Couldn't get list of object positions\n"; while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { $row->{pos} =~ s/[\[\]\s]//g; $row->{pos} =~ s/\|/,/g; my @pos = split(',', $row->{pos}); my $valid = 1; if ($db{'world'} eq 'chernarus') { if ($pos[1] < 0 || $pos[2] < 0 || $pos[1] > 14700 || $pos[2] > 15360) { $valid = 0; } } elsif ($db{'world'} eq 'lingor') { if ($pos[1] < 0 || $pos[2] < 0 || $pos[1] > 10000 || $pos[2] > 10000) { $valid = 0; } } else { print "Cannot check valid bounds for the world $db{'world'}\n"; } if ($valid == 0) { $delSth = $dbh->prepare("delete from objects where id = $row->{id}"); $delSth->execute() or die "Failed while deleting an out-of-bounds object"; print "Vehicle at $pos[1], $pos[2] was OUT OF BOUNDS and was deleted\n"; } }}# Determine if we are over the vehicle limitmy $vehicleCount = $dbh->selectrow_array(<<EndSQLSELECT COUNT(*)FROM objectsWHERE instance = ? AND otype NOT IN ('TentStorage', 'Wire_cat1', 'Hedgehog_DZ', 'Sandbag1_DZ', 'Hedgehog_DZ', 'TrapBear')EndSQL, undef, $db{'instance'});if ($vehicleCount > $db{'limit'}) { die "FATAL: Count of $vehicleCount is greater than limit of $db{'limit'}\n";}print "INFO: Fetching spawn information\n";my $spawns = $dbh->prepare(<<EndSQLSELECT uuid, spawns.pos, spawns.otype, chanceFROM spawns LEFT JOIN objects on spawns.uuid = objects.uid and objects.instance = ?WHERE world = ? AND objects.uid IS NULLEndSQL) or die "FATAL: SQL Error - " . DBI->errstr . "\n";$spawns->execute($db{'instance'}, $db{'world'});my $insert = $dbh->prepare(<<EndSQLINSERT INTO objects (uid, pos, health, damage, fuel, otype, instance, created)VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())EndSQL) or die "FATAL: SQL Error - " . DBI->errstr . "\n";my $spawnCount = 0;# Loop through each spawnwhile (my $vehicle = $spawns->fetchrow_hashref) { # If over the global limit, end prematurely if (($vehicleCount + $spawnCount) > $db{'limit'}) { last; } # Determine count for this vehicle type my $className = substr($vehicle->{otype}, 0, index($vehicle->{otype}, '_')) . "%"; my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM objects WHERE instance = ? and otype like ?", undef, ($db{'instance'}, $className)); my $limit = 0; if ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/Old_bike/) { $limit = 10; } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/UAZ|S1203|boat/) { $limit = 4; } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/ATV|Skoda|TT650|UH1H|hilux|Ikarus|Tractor|Volha/) { $limit = 3; } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/V3S|Ural|PBX|SUV/) { $limit = 1; } # Skip this spawn if the vehicle is over its per-type limit if ($limit > 0 && $count >= $limit) { print "INFO: Vehicle $vehicle->{otype} is at its limit of $limit spawns\n"; next; } # Skip this spawn if the spawn chance was not met if (int(rand(100)) > ($vehicle->{chance} * 100)) { next; } # Generate random damage value my $damage = ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/Old_bike/) ? 0 : sprintf("%.3f", rand(0.75)); if ($damage <= 0.05) { $damage = 0; } # Generate random parts damage my $health = ''; if ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/Old_bike/) { @parts = (); } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/TT650|boat|PBX/) { @parts = ('["motor",1]'); } elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/UH1H_DZ/) { @parts = ('["motor",1]','["elektronika",1]','["mala vrtule",1]','["velka vrtule",1]'); } else { @parts = ('["palivo",1]','["motor",1]','["karoserie",1]','["wheel_1_1_steering",1]','["wheel_1_2_steering",1]','["wheel_2_1_steering",1]','["wheel_2_2_steering",1]'); } $health = genDamage(@parts); # Generate random fuel value between 0.2 and 0.8 my $fuel = ($vehicle->{otype} =~ m/Old_bike/) ? 0 : sprintf("%.3f", min(max(rand(), 0.2), 0.8)); # Execute insert $spawnCount++; $insert->execute($vehicle->{uuid}, $vehicle->{pos}, $health, $damage, $fuel, $vehicle->{otype}, $db{'instance'}); print "Called insert with ($vehicle->{uuid}, $vehicle->{pos}, $health, $damage, $fuel, $vehicle->{otype}, $db{'instance'})\n";}$sth->finish();$dbh->disconnect();print "INFO: Spawned $spawnCount vehicles!\n";sub genDamage{ my $h=""; my $damParts=0; my $damCount=0; my $random = rand(); my $chance = 0.99; my $chanceFactor = 1.15; my @parts = @_; my @restricted; while($chance>$random && $damParts<scalar @parts) { $chance /= $chanceFactor; $chanceFactor += 0.15; $damParts++; } $damCount=0; while($damParts>$damCount) { $random = floor(rand(scalar @parts)); my %restr = map {$_ => 1} @restricted; if(!exists($restr{$random})) { push (@restricted,$random); if($h eq ""){$h = $parts[$random];} else{$h .= ",".$parts[$random];} $damCount++; } } return "[${h}]";} Edited September 30, 2012 by Calinthor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calinthor 5 Posted September 30, 2012 (edited) Okay, the "Chance Percentage" for spawns is in the table, which is smart and good coding. You will need to just check your "spawns" table and check the UH1H_DZ entries. If the entries are just "UH1H" that won't work, it has to be the dayz version "_DZ".Also, since this is based on Guru Abdul's Sanctuary server, the spawn locations will not necessarily be standard. He put some on castles, on roofs, in the wilderness, etc. Some of his spawn locations were 'bad' locations to and would cause vehicles to phase through buildings, slide down hills, or be half in/half out of the ground. I found that I had to actually physically stand were I wanted the vehicle, copy my position and paste it in the spawns table to make sure I got a good spawn. Edited September 30, 2012 by Calinthor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brinkk 0 Posted September 30, 2012 (edited) "my $limit = 0;if ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /Old_bike.*/) {$limit = 10;} elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /UAZ.*|S1203.*|.*boat.*/) {$limit = 4;} elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /ATV.*|Skoda.*|TT650.*|UH1H.*|hilux.*|Ikarus.*|Tractor|Volha.*/) {$limit = 3;} elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /V3S.*|Ural.*|PBX|SUV.*/) {$limit = 1;}# Skip this spawn if the vehicle is over its per-type limitif ($limit > 0 && $count >= $limit) {print "INFO: Vehicle $vehicle->{otype} is at its limit of $limit spawns\n";next;}# Skip this spawn if the spawn chance was not metif (int(rand(100)) > ($vehicle->{chance} * 100)) {next;}# Generate random damage valuemy $damage = rand(0.75);if ($damage <= 0.05 or $vehicle->{otype} =~ /Old_bike.*/) {$damage = 0;}# Generate random parts damagemy $health = '';if ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /Old_bike.*/) {@parts = ();} elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /TT650.*|.*boat.*|PBX/) {@parts = ('["motor",1]');} elsif ($vehicle->{otype} =~ /UH1H.*/) {@parts = ('["motor",1]','["elektronika",1]','["mala vrtule",1]','["velka vrtule",1]');} else {@parts = ('["palivo",1]','["motor",1]','["karoserie",1]','["wheel_1_1_steering",1]','["wheel_1_2_steering",1]','["wheel_2_1_steering",1]','["wheel_2_2_steering",1]');}$health = genDamage(@parts);# Execute insert$spawnCount++;$insert->execute($vehicle->{uuid}, $vehicle->{pos}, $health, $damage, $vehicle->{otype}, $db{'instance'});print "Called insert with ($vehicle->{uuid}, $vehicle->{pos}, $health, $damage, $vehicle->{otype}, $db{'instance'})\n";}"That's mine^ Edited September 30, 2012 by Brinkk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brinkk 0 Posted September 30, 2012 On 9/30/2012 at 8:23 PM, Calinthor said: Okay, the "Chance Percentage" for spawns is in the table, which is smart and good coding. You will need to just check your "spawns" table and check the UH1H_DZ entries. If the entries are just "UH1H" that won't work, it has to be the dayz version "_DZ".Also, since this is based on Guru Abdul's Sanctuary server, the spawn locations will not necessarily be standard. He put some on castles, on roofs, in the wilderness, etc. Some of his spawn locations were 'bad' locations to and would cause vehicles to phase through buildings, slide down hills, or be half in/half out of the ground. I found that I had to actually physically stand were I wanted the vehicle, copy my position and paste it in the spawns table to make sure I got a good spawn.Well, if i copy this and put it in my folders, it should be ok? Or?Kinda new to this :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites