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Calgon (DayZ)

[Video] Chopper battle against hacked Choppers

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this was our uneven fight against some choppers of some hackers on FR 10.

Ive stolen a huey some minutes before the start of the video, which was constantly annoying my mates at the coast. I picked up my mate Zero, after that we headed for cherno.. Then suddenly things changed ... The recording started.


I know my last evasive manouver sucked, but hey, i wouldnt do that if there wasnt any apache around shooting with rockets at us..

They spawned even jets after we were trying to get to our crashsite.. Interested in screenshots of the jets? Go to the cheat forum..


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This makes me want to tear my hair out. Such terrible piloting and aiming.

In their defense, taking shots out of a bird moving a hundred and fifty at another one doing the same isn't the easiest. Personally, I'm a damn good shot, but I can't pilot the helicopters in this game for shit.

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Well, it wasnt my chopper, i stole it from them, and the whole situation was making me/us laugh. I mean, we were fighting two apaches in the end and didnt get hit a single once.

Why terrible piloting? Should i have flewn in a straight line?... We werent hit a single time. But yeah, my last evasive manuever got us killed, but i wouldnt do something like that if we wouldnt get shot at by rockets.

And why terrible shot? My Gunner Zero downed one of them.. All interior stuff was red on him as i checked later.

Btw.: This was my first time flying in Dayz, i was just flying some mins in the normal arma 2... In other games im pretty good.

And yeah, it was a bit annoying. But not as that annoying like getting killed by some stairs, trees and other bugs, with nvgs, m4sd, coyotes, antibiotics, mountain dews, satchel charges and everything, which happend for me already several times.

If you cant laugh over you self, you already lost the game.

Edit: I forgot the mountain dews and satchel charges

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