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DMR/M14 any tips?

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Im packing both a DMR and M14aim right now. From what I can gather, fully zoomed, the DMR is spot on at 400m. Beyond that you have to calculate for bullet drop. Im hitting moving targets with the m14 at least up to 400m anyways. But struggling with the DMR. Its supposed to have an effective range of 800m now but Im hitting my targets alot more accurately with the M14, which I wouldn't expect. How far away should I be expecting a high level of accuracy on the DMR? Any tips from experienced users?

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A lot of guns have a far lower effective range than their zeroing permits them

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My advice is to get as close as you can and if you have to stay farther away than 400m with the DMR just aim above there head and keep aiming higher depending how far away you are and try to fire 2-3 shots at an enemy's head when shooting the DMR to get the best chance of hitting the target.

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Hockeyguy does have a good idea. I would aim for there head if they are standing still (looting, shooting zombies, or looking around). But if they are moving a lot, or just a little bit inside a building or something, I would personally aim for center mass. It means you have the best change of hitting them at all.

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On some scopes you can use PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys to adjust the zero.

The bullets will travel a very long ways past the zero at 400m, but if you don't have a range finder and practiced the ranges and drop at the far distances it is kind of wasteful of bullets in DayZ where bullets can be hard to come by.

If they are that far away, better to just avoid them, go around or back off that route and take another.

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The DMRs performance greatly drops beyond 500m. Bullet drop and travel time turn into a huge factor. At about 700-800m fully zoomed your target is out of the mildots and into the post. Any shot over 500m is turning into a real crap shoot with the DMR. I've got a fair bit of experience with it but I've been learning the hard way that at 500m DMR vs .50, the high rate of fire does make up for the less effective rounds but correctly judging your drop is critical. In my case I did not correctly judge my drop and my prone target who had ranged me, dialed in his AS50 and as soon as I had to reload he came out of cover and finished me off. Though in fairness, had I been a little smarter and used my cover more effectively, perhaps relocated once more I might have taken him.

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i don't know the DMR, i think the mildots go from 200 to 200 from the center which is up to 200. but i'm quite experienced with the m14:

you can use it almost exactly like an assault rifle,(at least i do) it becomes a little better than a m4a3, for example, for the shots from 300m to 500m,it has a bigger accuracy, further you should not fire.

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DMR is zero'd to 300 meters I believe, it's not a sniper rifle, it's a designated marksman rifle, can't expect it to hit targets from miles aways.

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Practice on the range with it. After many hours I can head shot a moving target up to 750m pretty consistently now. The DMR is my favourite sniper rifle, dat ROF.

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DMR is zero'd to 300 meters I believe, it's not a sniper rifle, it's a designated marksman rifle, can't expect it to hit targets from miles aways.

I've seen both 400m and 350m zero, not sure which one is correct. The wiki says 400m, and that seems to correspong with what I've experienced using it.

Another thing to keep in mind about the DMR, is that you don't have to zoom it all the way in to make a shot. 800m is below the post at full zoom, but not zoomed out.

Definitely practice on the range if you intend to use the DMR. Once you know how to use it, it's pretty effective.

The goal I have right now is to be lugging around both the DMR and the M14 AIM, since I like sharing magazines. I like the M4A3 CCO I have now, but I don't like having to use that extra space for the different mag requirements.

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My DMR tips:









I made only the graphs. The gunsight corrections & range estimation data I used was taken from DMR description on Dayzdb.com page, and from sinigang93's comment below.


P.S. I found DMR - at last - at military tent, but didn't have much fun with it. Equipped with Ghille suit and this DMR, I positioned myself very carefully inside some pine tree at the edge of woods south of NW Airfield, in a spot that would not trigger any zombie spawns. Some populated DE 3xx server. Waited some time, then carefully poked my head a bit out of the tree to look at the airfield. Quiet and empty. No zombies anywhere.

I had good sight to hangars and control tower, good to about 500m, at further distances there was some fog/mist. I seen also the "sniper hill" on south edge of the airfield, but it was almost completly covered with fog.

I only managed to note this much, because 10 seconds later I was dead with a bullet in my head. Oh no, not again...Didn't hear anything other that bullet whizz...

I believe it was a med range headshot, because I dropped dead at the spot and there was no way someone could see me from 600+ meters because of the fog... Didn't hear anything other that bullet whizz... I only wonder where was he, because I could swear that there were no places from where I could be visible (<500m) that would not spawn zombies if occupied. The only place was sniper hill, but it was covered with fog... Maybe he was quite close to me, with a silienced weapon...I prefer believing that it was some close positioned sniper that noticed me somewhow and hit to the head, than that there was just a AS50 TWS equipped hacker on that hill 800m away...






Edited by Amizaur
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The goal I have right now is to be lugging around both the DMR and the M14 AIM, since I like sharing magazines.

Im doing the same. Although Ive just picked up an M24 and put it in my tent. I think it might be a better alternative. You can zero it from 100m to 800m instead of having to calculate mildots. You can convert 1 dmr mag to 4 m24 clips and vice versa. Im going to try to work on the DMR still, but that M24 is looking tempting.

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